I might remake the Globe Theater, this is a plan. It would be floating in the Avalanche Cavern, and have no floor, why? For balance, it will be quite open, think a circular Boarding Action even(but small). The ONLY long range weapon will be a carbine or 2, and spikers. So I need some opinions on how to approach this and what parts I should change or remove. NOTE: IT WILL BE SMALL. NOTE 2: NOT ON BLACKOUT FOR LACK OF RESOURCE
That would be an interesting gametype; Master Chief killed by Maj. Johnson, who then betrothes Cortana... @_@ I dunno if that'd actually work--the Hamlet Gametype, I mean. Interesting idea, though. As for the map, it would do better off outside of Blackout, as Mallet has suggested. If you'd like help forging it (so you don't have to save and quit to get the floating objects, and for other things), I'd be willing to offer my help. The only issues I can foresee are running into the item limit, and that I can't figure out how the gallery would be created...
The main problem with that is the item limit. 1. 3 storys: Only the bottom story is made of boxes, on Blackout, I would only have 16 walls and 16 bridges, on Avalanche, Ive got 16 walls/barricades, 8 wall corners, those little barrier things, energy blockers and 16 bridges. Keep in mind the stage and mayb a second stage for symmetrical. 2. Ramps: Notice at the very top the roof? Ramps would be (besides wall corners) the only thing to make that, and the angled roof of the main building. The gallery seats will be removed to allow for more room, though there will be some cover along those paths. I need more advice on the technical parts, how do people get up to the next level? Where to put objective spawns? How should the main base work? It will most probably be an octagon, circle just wouldn't work IMO. Hamlet gametype: Oddball, swords low grav so you can jump across?
This sounds like an awesome idea and hopefully you'll be able to pull it off. If you want I can join you when you're forging it and I can keep you company and critique your work as you go. I think Hamlet should have like higher health and a little faster.