can i feature in my tips tricks threaqd in my sig (so that i dont quadrouple post, it will be in that thread, with credit to you, and jsut a link to will go into the templates section, and can i do it for any future switches you make, and all the ones you've already made?) (Please PM me)
hey pmp how does your switch have the TAG Switch in front of looking for all the switches on FH and i dont know how to search by tags that are in front?
Yeah. I made a pair of sliding doors with dumpsters on about the same principal, but I never thought something like this would ever work. Nice job.
i <3 switches, i love disecting them to see how they work but then i fail at seeing how they work becuz i am either to stupid or its extremely advanced n i am average smartiness. i wish i could encorperate switches into my maps but i feel like they take to many objects to make n therefore not worth it
Awesome switch, man. What about V3, the one with the warthog? Could you add me on Xbl, my GT is defleopard98.