FFA Extreme Pit Created By, The Markus 360 Description: A FFA map, created for 4-14 players. It is the second version of my FFA maps, and as it is the second on my maps, it is the best so far. The map has more hiding spots, more weapon locations and just plain fun all around. More then 10 weapons on the map. There is a "Starting Spawn" and a "Normal Spawn" The starting spawn is at and only at the start of the game. Everyone spawns in one box, so your in action. The normal spawn in basically a normal spawn. When you die, you go to that spawn. There are 6 normal spawns, and they are in 6 boxes. Starting Spawn: Normal Spawns: (6 In Game) Rocket Spawn: Sniper Spawn: Map Overview: Supported Game Types: - Slayer The Game Play Download Map Here Download Game Type Here
from some of the pictures it appears as though you can interlock. if you can, why would you not make a more complex map. all this is is a bunch of boxes arranges around the surface of the foundry. 2/5 for lack of creativity.
i understand the ideas behind the map, and im sure it can probably provide some fun/hilarious moments, but i just dont feel this belongs in competitive. I see it more as a casual map, what with all the hiding spots and everything. i dont know, thats just my opinion. please, no negative rep again.
looks a lil plain and easy to make. also looks like more of a casual map. I don't usually say this but the map could have a lil more interlocking... Again looks a lil too simple and easy. but again looks can be deceiving so i might give it a dl.
Me and some friends and friends of friends were playing it today. Everyone thought it was fun. You are basically always in action.