The first map pack from New Level Studios was designed to aggravate you to no end. Each map has its own unique way of aggravating you. And can be played using any gametype you want, if there is a gametype you want on one of these maps then tell us. The maps are: 1. Taco Dinner Which is a race track map that takes a lot of patience and some skill to complete without flipping. You hear me, the goal is to make it an entire map without flipping, ive done it about 2/10 times. But im not a good driver. Here are some pics so you get the ideal First obstacle number two 90 degree ramp End of a tunnel Next up is hammer & Box This map is very simple,its a box with a hammer on it, and will aggravate you for your own reasons. It aggravates me because of its simplicity, but for you, who knows. Here are some pics to show you the extreme lengths it took to forge it. **** N Box Dos Last but least, is a map forged by a fictional character named Chris. He forged the map for many a reason. But mainly because he thinks he is the god of which he is sadly mistaken. This map with piss you off because...well just look at the pictures. Well there you have it, the first map pack from New Level Studios. A second map pack is in the works, its an homage map pack, consisting of, UT3, TF2, and COD4 homages all made for competitive people, so dont get pissed yet. Hope you get aggravated because of these maps, and good luck forging. All maps are forged by DeathMcGunz and Flight 419. p.s-the names of the maps are links to download them...if you didnt notice
lol i love this idea. make maps that piss you off on purpose cus usually noobs do it by accident. 10/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The third map makes me laugh. In the picture there is a grav lift beside a upside down fence box. WHO would walk into the grav-lift to get stuck in a box? HOW could you DO this and LIVE with yourself? HOW I tell you? HOW!?!?!
so the entire point was to make a map pack geared toward masochists? great game plan there...good job... although i must congratulate you on your post...its up to standards lol...
its like all those noob SAW maps, but this one actually has some point to it, cuz you can fight as if on a real map, but you can also get trapped if youre carried off (only talking bout the third one) 9/5 the interlocking (yes interlocking) could have been a bit better (like you could hide the grav lift pushing you into the box) or you could make trap doors.....with a bunch of reciever nodes
Thanks for all the "Positive" reinforcement. We really just thought people were gonna hate us for doing this. We just love pissing people off.