Lol, finally, Mr. ForgeTutorial busts out a map! Very nice good sir, I thoroughly enjoyed the draw bridge, and this seems very intriguing aswell. Keep up these mischievous devices, and I shall keep downloading ;D
oh....ok...thats cool though...its actually a nice "gadget" it uses the pressure door method...(kinda not really) and coyotes slide door, not bad. good job =] and whats so bad about artificers? =[
no...were not, and we didnt completely copy it, and thats not my fault anyways. so dont blame me, and its also sort of a branch off of forgehub....not a copy =]
What ever, I would rather keep this out of my map's thread. Thank you. Oh and I don't understand why there isn't just a sub section on FH for switches.
Very nice indeed sir. You are very good at this as I can see from my observations of your pictures. An average Halo 3 player can not do this, and which makes you stand out. Thank you also for adding the download link.
sorry but i have to say other thing....the reason the site was created was because forgehub would not allow the sub section for switches and so ferret made the site... anyways nice switch Kayaman its better than most doors because it is bigger and can block off more space...anytime i can show you the way i figured out how to reset a min/max switch and maybe i can help you put it in this "gadget"?
Before now, most switches were min/max switches that could only be used once and would have the properties on items (like a gravlift) on place at start yes and respawn time never, and the second items would have place at start no and respawn time 180. But i have figured out (finally) that min/max switches CAN BE RESETTABLE. The way i figured this out was i was making a map with a giant volcano on it and i had a switch to make it erupt but that wasnt enough, i needed it instead of doing it once, i needed it to happen whenever the button is pushed. _______________________ The way i did this was i have the basic switch layout where there is a fusion coil being pushed by a mancannon and being help by a custom powerup, I also have two fusion coils near the gravlift that help it explode, but the properties are not set to normal min/max settings. They (the fusion coils and the gravlift) have place at start yes and respawn time 20. Normally the gravlifts and the fusion coils would respawn again because they are not set to respawn time never but they respawn and the fusion coils blow up the gravlift twice wich makes the gravlift in the volcano spawn, and the fusion coils(set runtime minimum to 3) there are three more that spawn (place at start no and respawn time 180) one being pushed by a mancannon and blowing up all 3, and also blowing up the gravlift,(there is a wall in between) which makes the other gravlift from the first part of the switch(because of the runtime minimum set to one) brings back the switch in about 20 seconds, or whatever the switch items properties are set to. Here is a map that has this type of switch Its called Mt. Kilamanjaro but the switch doesnt always work in the forge because of the lagg well there ya go copied straight from my tutorial on H3 Artificers