i made this screenshot for forgehub i thought the big moniter would represent forgehub and the little moniters represent the people who use forgehub and also the general public of forge so if anyone can come up with a great pledge or something do tell heres a link to it on my fileshare:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
It wouldve been funny if you put like a crap load of little monitors under looking up at it instead of just 2.
isnt this about my shot not what it should look like?? because these posts seem a little off topic. but thats just an observation.
Yeah guys back on topic. I think this is a well thought out screenshot and your right, the big eyeball can represent the owner of forgehub or bungie, and the monitors are the forgers, or it could be the other way around: The smaller eyeballs can represent bungie AND forgehub, who both rely on the big eyeball which is the community!
WTF??? How did you get so much monitors in such a small map like Cold Storage?! Anyway, cool screenshot.