Death Below Map type mini game infection game type Falling pallets download HERE map description/task: the point of the map is to stay up top as long as you can but the longer you're up there the map changes the changes i will keep a secret that you must find out testers: me cjs51 mitch0051 someguyuh8 and his 2 guests xsnipelilmunchx players 4-10 map size tiny! Map Download HERE Pics: Holy $%^# I will be posting the killzone map pack in about an hour
i was gona say the same thing just on a different map, nothing special, and one more thing, whats with your signature bayer? its the same pic 2 times
I like that fact that you did make a mini-game map. But this idea is taken. Sorry... But it's still enjoyable.
i loved hobo heights and since i never se it around anymore i wanted to recreat it but with some twists so enjoy guys
I played a map called termites on termite exterminator did you steal this map or did they steal your map? It was an Ok game, but still not as good as hobo heights because in this the humans can kill the laser dude and pallets tip over really easy.
This is great fun.With all of the suspense of "Is the zombie gonna lazer my pallet next????" and then when you try to fall down without him noticing and try to assassinate him.It is also pretty challenging when you are the zombie because you always hit the teleporters and miss the pallets.Nice map 4/5 I love playing this.