Kill Zone map Pack Map #1 (mlg) Dead Accuracy Players 4-12 testers me, xsnipelilmunchx, mea xoverkillx, mitch0026 le61on x, k IR o n II, cjs51 tjcool247 map gametypes: all gametypes+ mlg version has all mlg gametypes SYMETRICAL Dead accuracy download HERE MLG Accuracy download HERE Mlg version is tweaked to fit mlg standards Map story: Year 2551 March 3rd: To whom may concern The covenant is drawing closer to city limits with 3 heavy armored assault vehicles 2 fast light grond vehichles and 4 troop transports and 1 plasma AA gun i would like to send an emediate evac of the city and send all the people to are training base to begin immediate training to help protect salvation city the are our last hope to stop the covenant from destroying salvation city.... END TRANSMISSION. Pics: Overveiw Sniper Tower(made out of pallets) looking at where flag respawns Where Shotgun spawns(in mlg version rockets no regen) another mini base Map #2 SEALED TightPlayers 2-8 testers me, xsnipelilmunchx, mea xoverkillx, mitch0026 le61on x, k IR o n II, cjs51 tjcool247 map gametypes: all gametypes Asymetrical Sealed Tight Download HERE Map Story(in didnt put a good description on the map because it would allow what i wanted): Year 2553 april 11: To whom it may concern John 117's ship is still missing and the flood is regaining power earth is slowly rebuilding itself after the war with the covenant luckily im inside a fortified training feild training to help protect earth as my peers are training to go on a life long search for Spartan 117 (master cheif) Hopefully we find the cheif and his AI Cortana Before the flood attacks only time will tell.......END TRANSMISSION. Pics: Tell me what you think of both maps please post a reply on bungie thread to that would be great enjoy the maps!!!
This looks great! I like the fence work is flawless. The layout looks soild as-well. Very nice work once again. This reminds me of a James Bond map for some reaspon
Quite frankly, I think it's too crowded. Some of the interlocking was done to form interlocking, not to make any considerable use to it. A lot of detail and attention went into this. But it's a lot like other maps and when you have one, why get another?
Looks interesting, but I'd put these posts on separate threads. If you have two tight maps next to each other which both play the same and involve the infernal lobbing of grenades, people are going to download the one that looks the best (you wont be barraged as soon as you spawn).
Looks good,I am playing Sealed tight with you right now.The interlocking is pretty nice and you picked some pretty good spots to put weapons.Plus,they aren't just laying there they are set up like bungie would set a weapon.The only suggestion I would make is don't make everything spawn so fast.For instance,I was sitting next to a carbine,I picked it up,killed you and it had already spawned back.I could camp there forever.Nice map though,I am really enjoying it.I will download the others later
looks pretty good, very fun big and ther seems to b a gd amount of cover, i like the second 1 better, looks nicely done gd job