This map takes you on a trip to the fair which includes rides and games. Have Fun with the Dunk Tank and go cart race and an obstacle course. Come one Come all! Dunk TAnk! Have a FRiend HOp in and BLow Him up with a Sticky! ENter The FAir On A Bus MINi GAme! Shoot Down The Barrels Mongoose Race! THis map is full of fun suprises and is fun to mess around on! Download the map Here ------> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
it took u 4-5 months to learn to post? then again... Edit: i'm still going to post mine so don't call me a rip off. i am sorry for calling you that. i' m gloing to delete some of my posts now.
This looks like a fun map i guess but no DL cause its no fighting or infection its messing around and looks like a map i make when i'm drunk /no offense/ so no DL and i give you a 1/5
looks nice, but im near my 100 custom limit so i wont DL, i just dont lkke these maps, they seem pointless
Really good idea very orignal, But you could have tried to interlock and make the map more interesting, the dunk tank looks to easy but is a orignal idea.
looks like a good map you should have more features though . were is the circus midget? nah just kidding !