In all fairness, a picture is worth a thousand words. Might be a good idea to provide a very good selection of these thousands of words, no?
Hey nice man, This looks really tight man I really like how u tilted the stairs to make them steeper, inside likes pretty tight to, Anyway, Great Job! 4.5/5
dude, I have a lot of freaking Pictures!! I have some of the best cinematography/detailed pictures around the Fourms...what else do you want a VIDEO... thats called Lazy. download the map. geeze.
thanks for you response and for sticking on TOPIC unlike most of the people stopping by here... and thanks for actually downloading the map and looking it over before commenting about it. Thanks so much. "thumbs up"
wow these people really dont appreciate what a good map really is......this map is amazing so shut the **** up...5/5
thanks, I like to create stories that tie together past maps in order spark the readers intrest and want to download past maps to see what I was talking about.
This looks awesome!!!! I like how you made it seem like water without making a stream or waterfall! Very original.
This looks really cool! Nice work this is probally the only dam map I ve seen there for its packed with orginality and yo uhave earned my download. nice work .
I appreciate the feedback, and yea I try to make original maps with common themes, with as much detail as possible... I dare someone to present me with a map with as much detail... I mean does this map really look like Foundry?? or Reservoir for that matter... I only wish that Foundry had the ability to use the FILTERS... Juicy and Gloomy would look amazing with my maps.
Im glad to finally hear a response about someones Gameplay experience, Im glad you enjoyed it and that it played so well.. that was my intent. Please do tell your buddies on Xbox Live and here at ForgeHub to check out this map. I already have a Third installment of this series underway... should be up and ready by the weekend if I find some time to work on it. Hit me up with a Friend Request::: Gamers Tag :: PonyDx
Finally...a map that has realistic looking water. Something about this feels so refreshing and original..I have to download.
alright the thing is that i don't ususally dl a map but for this ill make an exception. The asthetics are amazing and well ill download this for an infection party. good job man grade A map
yea thats kind of my thing, Ive had lots of patients and personal visions of what my enviroments should look like and placing the Energy Shields as water is fun to do, I got it down to a technique.