Fight Pit Created by Fornozo Supported Gametypes: Slayer,Oddball,King Of The Hill Map Description This map is a One-On-One map build for Assault rifle battles, dirty flare tricks,One-shot beat downs and some flaming. The map is made in two levels one bottom level and on top level The levels are connected via man cannons(bottom)and holes(top) But the man cannons are the only way up. Now to weapons/equipment: Mauler: Place At start:No Respawn: 120 Flare: Place At Start:Yes Respawn: 90 Firebomb: Place At Start:Yes Respawn: 60 As you can see of the weapon list i did not add to many weapons and i want to see what you think of that my self i believe it plays great I also don't think that any weapon is owning all the other onse To explain that i made a List of that beats what: Mauler > Assault rifle Firebomb > Mauler Assault rifle > Firebomb Okay then time for some pics _________________________________________________ Bottom Floor You start in the top right hand corner and the down left hand one One side overview The Other Side One of the mancannons The Flare and me The Firebomb, Little hard to see that it is a firebomb but there is one The mauler and the pallet it is flying on top of In The Fire And Flames _________________________________________________ Thanks to every one that have tested and gave me feedback on this map. If you liked it please post on the thread to so that also is updated Download MAP Slayer Oddball King Of The Hill
a very small map by the looks of your pics and very well built. everything is quite straight. looks like fun
really small bu it looks like you put time into it good job Actually no, the size if fine you meant to build it like that so how could people complain about it?
Looks like a very well built map! I love the interlocking and it looks very cool I will download and play doubles on it with my friends! Great Job!
It really seems like I've seen this map before. I'm trying to remember where... Idk maybe I haven't just a lot of people have the same concept. Good job. I like the part with the bridges, it looks very neat. The only thing that I don't like is that the gravlifts are not visible to get to the upper levels. People who hadn't played on the map would get a little confused, especially if they were noob forgers.
thank you for the feedback and if i make a V2 on this map i will put the mancannons more visible. And madkill27 i do not think that this map will support dubbles but you are free to try
it will not support doubles unless you like the hectic gameplay but i have to say 1v1 probably wouldn't be best eather as whoever gets the mauler would most likely dominate around those shield doors. i do however like how you constructed the map, very neat and tidy
looks cool, nice job. i think -sometimes me and my friends do this, this sort of close quarters map is really fun with invis sword fighting. Only with small maps like these though... good job though- im goin to dl
In reply to : The Official Y35 :When i tested this map whoever got the mauler didn't go down to the shield doors but stayed up and waited for the other person to come up so no it doesn't end up like that. Monkeyrantz :Yes the sword fighting part is fun tho I would not recommend more than 3 players
you have no idea how many maps i've seen similar to this. quite frankly, im kinda sick of them too. sure you can make them better, but i dont find these kinds of maps fun at all. not too much for me to say, the map is just not my style i guess.
strangeday : its not to hard just place a box at one side of the things you want to interlock and it will be straight. evan12075 : I have heard that people have seen maps like this before and i am sorry for repeating that but I have not seen any map like this so i decided to make one.