Minigame Idea: Pigeons

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Nasal Abyss x, Jul 14, 2008.


Do you think this would be fun?

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  1. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    I've been thinking of this concept for quite a while, but I had never tried to flesh it out. Now I am better than ever with my forging techniques, and I have taken it on. The game is simple; The mad hunters keep the pigeons from grabbing their flag. The trick to it; The pigeons are in a long halway-like thing on one end of foundry, and one of the sides of it (the one facing inward to foundry's main area) is made entirely out of fence walls. The hunters spawn in an completely open area looking straight at the hallway.

    The hunters spawn with snipers of course, and the pigeons with swords, which will do them no good. The flag is at one end of the hallway,and the pigeons spawn at the other end (but still protected from the hunters right when they spawn). So, when the pigeons run and jump down the hallway (there will be floating walls for height diversity and the like, and the pigeons will have low gravity and higher speed) the hunters will shoot at them and kill them before they touch the flag and have a chance to bring it back to thier spawn.

    The game variant will be one-flag and have multiple rounds so both teams get a chance to be pigeons or hunters, or, I could pull a Tremor Valley (copyrights of original makers lol) and make it only one round and have it to where pigeons outnumber hunters and people take turns being the hunters.

    If you want to help I'll be willing to let you help, but my mic is broken (i'll be getting a new one here very soon) so send a fr to XI MA3LS7ROM IX and hopefully I'll get it.

    Pleased tell me what you think about it: Fun, or Not?
  2. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    That sounds pretty decent, but maybe you should have either the hunters have low damage, or have the pigeons have either faster speed, lower gravity (to represent rflight), or higher resistance, but not all of them or even two of them together, just pick one to make it more even for both sides. At that, I say, good idea, and I hope it comes out good.
  3. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sounds pretty cool, I remember playing something almost like this back on Halo 2. But not that similar XD

    I look forward to seeing the end project, hopefully it'll be as fun as some of the previous minigames.
  4. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I'd thought of something similar, only it would have involved spawn points on man cannons which would lock into one another (meaning that you'd spawn in one and be launched into the next one, so as to have to be flung back to the first), and somehow making it so that if you somehow get out of the fling, you die (maybe make it floating in the air somewhere?).

    Could be fun, though. ^_^

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