This My Mtv Crib! One of My First House Maps! This Is My TreeHouse 6 Car Garage THis HOuse Has A Pool, Soccer, Shoot Range, A Garage and More... DOwload Here-----> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Looks like a cool house! Can it support onebomb and stuff or is itm strictly a map to look cool? Either way I'll download and look at it. Good Work!
Looks cool and has a funny name. You might wanna add more pics showing more of the house. Other than that great job!
looks alright. Next time make a house with tight corridors and vents ect. so we can all have a massive slayer battle in it! That'd rock.
i like the tree house! but really, a 6 car garage? this map looks nice and is cool cause it is a house! nice job! i dnld!
Looks pretty good, but there are some places where it looks kinda of sloppy like the top of the house in the first pic, though if you interlocked the walls it would make the house alot more pleasing to look at. And if there are any walls that seem uneven or out of place in the rest of the map the same process would fix those too.