THE CREDIT GOES TO : LEWIE4 HE MADE THE PART OF ELEPHANTS FLYING I ADDED VEHICLES AND WEAPONS ON IT AND IVE TESTED HOW TO GET THE ELEPHANT STAYING IN THE AIR STANDING IN MY INSTRUCTIONS THE REST OF THE MAP IS THANKS TO LEWIE4 I DONT KNOW IF HIS GAMERTAG STILL EXISTS BUT I GOT IT FROM HIM ON BUNGIE.NET HERE THE ORIGINAL MAP FROM HIM LINK: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I MADE WEAPONS AND VEHICLES AND STUFF ON IT TO MAKE IT MORE FUN I DIDN'T WANT TO STEAL ANYTHING BUT I HAD THE SAME IDEA BUT I COULDN;T MAKE IT WELL AND HE POSTED IT ON BUNGIE WHERE IT GOT ROTTEN AWAY WHICH I THINK WAS BAD. (MAYBE THIS ALREADY EXISTS BUT THAT I DON'T KNOW IT YET SO DON'T BLAME ME) PLEASE I DIDN'T WANT TO STEAL ANYTHING I WAS JUST SLOPPY AND LAZY TO PUT UP HIS NAME HERE THATS WHY IT WASN'T STANDING HERE ON THE FIRST PLACE I DON'T CARE WHICH YOU RATE THE ORIGINAL MAPMAKER AND ME AS LONG IF YOU ENJOY THE MAP. GRTZ DENNIS Download link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Description: there are 2 elephants both fly in the air after like 15-20 sec. when 1 person stay's in the hornet and doesn't fly any direction it will stay floating in the air and also will fly at some directions a bit. it can even hit the other elephant. this map is good for CTF and Team slayer and maybe VIP. i'd prefer CTF. both sides have a tank a banshee and a warthog. also there are a few teleporters which can be very usefull it leads to things that help you out . IMPORTANT NOTES/ (instructions): 1 one person must go in the hornet and stay in it and dont fly or aim at any direction this way will keep the elephant nice and straight up in the air. if your ignore this rule you will crash very quick. which hornet im talking about is the one that is in the elephant. 2 there are lots of weapons on the elephant but one very usefull is the missilepod. its important that you know that the missilepod's ammo is limited.also as protection of the missilepod there is a bubbleshield which you can put on the hornet to protect it 3 i have made weapons and other stuff on the map but the flying elephants is someone elses work because i couldn't make it well 4 you can't play this with people who have a bad connection because flying elephants makes lag and if there's already lag of players the game can freeze or be very annoying and not fun to play. base 1 base 2 (ive made some changes already so there are banshees now) This is the moment both elephants go in the air in the air fighting this is the much i could get of screenshots didnt have people who wanted to play with me and take some screens . i tested the map and it should work fine if u follow the instructions. the only thing that maybe will bother you is lag. i like this but i don't know if you like it please give some reactions if it worked well and was fun playing.
Yah, I would DEFINATELY give the original maker LOTS of credit. From the description it seems that you just took his map and added some weapons and vehicles. 0/5 from me because you basically took someone elses map w/out permissiom and you cant even remember their name. Edit: Thank you for posting the original maker, putting in pics, and fixing it so that the elephants stay in the air better. 2.5/5 from me now
Evan though you should give the origonal maker lots of credit, it still looks like fun. Seeing the hornet get lasered and seeing the elifant fall and kill all the people in it must be really fun! Good Work!
Dont steal. Thats minus one brownie point to YOU my friend. Point us in the direction of the creator so we can thank him and ask him to lend us a shotgun to blow your thieving hands off. Or we can cut your fingers off one by one and peel off your skin (and if you're naughty we can stick forks in your eyes). TUDOR STYLE. < Evil Laugh >
ill post his name up i didnt want to steal it but i had te same idea only i couldnt make the elephants so he helped a bit but your right he has most credit but he put it on bungie and it rotten away in one hour too bad because this is very nice to play EDIT I CHANGED IT AND ON TOP OF THE TOPIC HIS NAME STANDS THERE GIVING CREDITS TO HIM
Not only do you need to credit the maker of the flying elephant but also, this needs to be in mini-game maps.
i fixed it and why does it have to be in minigames this game doesn't have to be short and it supports slayer and objective gametypes so i think it belonged here
amen The map actually looks pretty cool. I have seen the flying elephant concept before, but it looks really cool in the sky. First I thought u did it with drop pods or something, but then I read and I saw you used the hornets. People: he posted who made the flying elephants. OK. So now leave him alone and reply to his map. Anyway it looks great for casual games. -masterjelly7
sorry it is the drop pods techniq combined with the hornet who s being the balance of the ship as at my instructions the elephant will stay in the air until something happens with the hornet i am not sure if it works completely well but i tested it and it should work
I love the flying Elephant idea, my own version has probolems due to excesive moderating and so constantly works and doesn't. Tips for any one who wants to fly, try to keep it level so the Drop Pods don't go at a funny angle and 'pop out' as it were. If the grav lift gets deystroyed you have no chance, a laser blast to the under side of the elephant where the grav lift is in place (roughly in the center) will desytroy it. Also, it has a hovering abilaty which if you keep it stable in the air long enough will allow you to leave the Hornet and roam free.
yes you are right but once it gets a tank shot or something it will go out its balance again i'm worried that i put to less bubble shields in the ship
i really don't like the fact that one player has to be in the hornet the whole time. i mean, thats the only way it'll work, i know, but it still blows. other than that, i don't think its bad that you worked off of somebody else. i've seen people take parts of maps that have been featured on forgehub, and they tried to get away with it lol. at least you told us you're borrowing, just try annd have your source up there from the get-go. decent map. 4/5
i know but i can't do anything about it the best thing you could do is let everybody go on their turn
In my version I put a bubble shield on instant respawn and some other features to help protect it from lasers and such, but a Tank shot might knock it of balance altoether, also in response the the person below, you can leave the Hornet if you can stabalise it, but in my opinion it needs to be piloted by multiple people to maxamise its potential.
yeah but the most annoying thing was every time i wanted to put something in the ship i had to be very quick because it always go fly because it was already build so.