to the guy above, you got reported for a rude post and didn't even give a reason why you didn't like the pic. i like the pic though the blue room pics are getting a bit old.
More, like, PERMABANN!?!? !!!! one one11 one!! Lawl. anyway, Cool pic. Although, the blue room effects are getting somewhat lame.
Its pretty cool except the explosions behind him are fairly small. Oh well. 4/5 from me. Btw, for future reference its spelled "coolest" and you would say "taken" not "tooken." Halo does that to you sometimes
i dno about everyone else, but i dont see many blue room pics, ah well but it is a pretty good effect and screenshot. Except dont post with the name "coolest death evar!" because some people might take tht as vanity or somethin like tht, dno the word. But oh well, sweet pic 4/5
looks pretty cool, ye i agree thats it is the cool death but i wouldnt say ever i like how thers nothin in his hands