ya that looks pretty lucky lol. it woulda been great if you somehow wereswitching your weopon at that exact moment.
Ya, only problem is i had to seconds to respond and there was no weapons around. And i guess if you are throwing a stick grenade at their weapon and they switch, im assuming nothing will be there and you will miss?
I wonder if when you dropped the weapon it could fall off and stick another person? If that actually happened that would be Bungie Fav-Worthy because it would be like the freakiest thing ever... EVER!
I think that it might. But if it does work, when you pull it back out, you might get blown up. It's kinda like when in Forge you get stuck, and change into the Monitor right away.
That brings up a question, if you get stuck, turn into forge, turn back into human do you blow up? I cant test it im grounded
Sure your shotgun shoots plasmas just like how my brute shot shoots frags that explode on impact. (btw I didn't find the pic funny)
Idk... But I do know that if you get stuck while human, and you change into Forge, you won't blow up, only when you change back to human.
Yes that is true, the only problem is I did not know the sticky was on my shotgun untill I watched it over in theatre. Plus I got mad. stickee >_<