Overview~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cat Walks Asymmetrical Cat Walks Symmetrical Light Side 1 Light Side 2 Broken Bridge Asymmetrical Broken Bridge Symmetrical Dark Side 1 Dark Side 2 Warthog out of Map Sniper Building Outside Sniper Building Inside Sniper Building Top Floor Map Name- Containment Map Variant of- Foundry Symmetry- Semi-Symmetrical Gametypes- All Games Glitches- Infinite money, Fusion, Fusion into map Weapons on Map- 2x Assault Rifle 5x Battle Rifle 1x Shotgun 1x Sniper Rifle 2x SMG 4x Spiker 1x Magnum 1x Plasma Pistol 2x Plasma Rifle 1x Needler 1x Brute Shot 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Spartan Laser (ASYMMETRICAL ONLY) 4x Carbine 1x Mauler Equipment- 6x Frag Grenades 6x Plasma Grenades 3x Spike Grenades 1x Bubble Shield 1x Regenerator 1x Radar Jammer 1x Flare Vehicles- Yes, only symmetrical games 2x Mongoose Fictitious Description- PROTOCAL D 17: FAILED THREAT LEVEL: 10 INCOMING TRANSMISSION: If anyone is out there please save us...they're eve...[END] Aesthetics and a little history- when I was first making this map I really wanted to try something I haven't done before. I made it enclosed. I also fused double boxes into the wall and ground where the windows are to block them and give the map its own feel. The sniper tower was inspired by Iv0rYSnak3's map Fractured, I liked it how he used that area of the map and still made it look good and not all boxey looking. So I turned that spot into a building and I fused a weapon holder into the wall to make the sniper rifle float, which was a pain in the a** to get it to the right spot. I also liked the look of the top of the boxes fused together to make a wall, it makes it look darker. The bridge started being used when I realized that the map would be horrible if it was a U shaped. So I used the rest of the items to make a bridge. I also made bridge cracked, broken and collapsing. There are bumps on it for that reason. I did not make it smooth on purpose. I even added a hole in it and you can go underneath the bridge in symmetrical games. Also on the light side, I made that the way up to the catwalks is over the crates, to try something new. There is no way out of my map. I put a warthog outside for more scenic looks, and I put a flamethrower next to it and no-one can get them. I also put a truck outside on the other side for more looks. The map is a donut shape and it is a medium sized map, but some people have recommended 16 people. DOWNLOAD HERE
WOW, very very nice job with this map very nice job! I Love IT! im going to dl. Nice JOB! very good first post!
that was just my own rating. i didnt rate the map with the stars. BTW: I'm DLing now and will look it over all the way because this map is so well done.
Very nice. The map is great for FFA or small teams. It has a trapped feeling to it, but spacious at the same time. 4/5 OMG You have double posted. That's not ok. mkay.
IvroySnake said that he, for some odd reason, it reminded him of Terminal (I don't know how) for me it reminds me of Ghost Town, Narrows and Turf
Looks like a really good map, i see lots of details and areas to fight in reminds me of one or mattys maps, where it seems as if the map is bigger than foundry, nice job. I was wondering what effects you put on your photos, as the teleporters on one picture are almost redish orange.
i'd expect this work coming from a senior member! this looks like a great map for slayer! i realy enjoyed the interlocking and the placment of items. great job on dis map!
CLICK HERE this was the original pic so on photobucket, I changed the hue to 0 to make it look similar to the others
Wow. This is a beautifully interlocked and well structered map. Haven't seen one for a while lol. Its cool that you have used the symmetrical/asymmetrical layout as that can change the entire gameplay of a map. The cat walk is good and so is the sniper room. The post is clear and definately deserves a 5/5. To make the post a teeny weeny bit better, next time, take the pics in custom games as you can't see spawn points then. Other than that your post is brilliant. Keep up the good work
ok, thanks but for the spawns I wanted to show people where they could spawn so they know I didn't just make it spawn killing or facing a wall but thanks anyways
Dude is this a map steal? This same map was posted by another guy that has like 300 posts. Or it's a double-post... Explain yourself!
Wow, the moment I saw this is said "Headlong". It just doesn't look like foundry because almost none of the map is visible. 5/5
The original poster was Dark Ruler, my username is DarkRuler and he had 137 posts exactly both of us might be the same person
I have seen this map before and it wasn't made by you. You stole this didn't you? even the pic layout is the same. Good job for ripping someone else's work for your own. PS I looked at your other posts and this is your first post of this map or of any map so you definetly ripped it off.