I'm not sure wether this is a casaul map or a mini game map. This map is based on the out skirts of standoff. The Zombies have to run across the bridge to get to the humans. the humans have needlers and try to knock off the zombies. But be warned the humans have ammo. There is 8 needlers 4 flares and 8 fire grenades. This is were the humans spawn. the bridge on its side is blocking off the death barrier so people don't run in to it. the zombies spawn in the shield doors and then they have to run across the bridge. I hope you have fun on this map. also play it right. 3-16 players Heres the map link; Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Heres the game type; Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing P.S. I'd like to thank Leone Phelps And HairyDEATHball for their input and all my friends that helped me test.
it seems too campy. i dislike infection games where the human waits for the zombie to come to them. and i dont think its fair for the zombie cause the humans have needlers and the zombie cannot move side to side to dodge them btw i think this is a mini-game map
Yes, its like a mini game zomby map its also really campy as dark said, but i think you intended to make it this way. i like how you used the needler, but frankly, in this case, when the zombies cant move very much the needler is Way to overpowering with its heat seeking needles and its explosive damage when they connect
Needlers? Needlers? not the needlers. "n00blers". Im sure its fun for some, but no thanks for me. It could of been made a lot better as well. You probably should of made it on foundry or avalanche and made them spawn across from each other not inside rooms where they can stay the whole game.
Looks good the only time where needlers are cool I couldn't tell, is the bridge out of the map so when you fall you fall on the delayed death zone?
I think this looks pretty action packed. I'm not much of an infection person, but this is definitely DL worthy. =)
needlers + infection = PORQUE!!! in mostly every infection game where there are needlers it involves the zombies quitting and coming back so they can be human. idk i could be wrong since you put a bunch of needlers in here so it could be different. i'll see.
I like the idea but the map could be better. Try making a floating bridge over the side of the map (see forging 101 for floating guide even though I doubt you don't know how to make things float) Also you could have explained the game a bit more, I'm only guessing the zombies have infinite health.