Download Map Required Game Variant: Zombie Defense If you've played Warcraft III, you may notice that this is basically a tower defense when you play. The way you play the Halo version is very unique. Zombies or "creeps" in Warcraft, spawn in a room with a teleporter opening after 10 seconds, once they go through it, they come out at a random spot at one end of a large lane. The zombies then must make it to the other end, where teleporters available only to them, will allow them to gain the ability to kill humans from behind the lane. Humans must operate towers built for them over time, and use them to make sure no zombies can make it through the lane, humans must be careful, because any zombie that gets past a human can assasinate the human. As humans are defeated, more zombies come, and the point reward for keeping them from getting past increases. Zombies get powered up over time at their spawn. The zombie that gets any given powerup any time it spawns is randomly selected, if the zombie uses the powerup well, it can make it a lot easier for the zombies to win. At the same time, humans must make use of their latest towers to keep the zombies from getting past for as long as possible. The game is played in five rounds, with a random half of players randomly selected to be the defenders, and a random half selected as the zombies each round. Screenshots: The First Tower As the Humans Build a Third Tower, the Bubble Shield Zombie Powerup Becomes Available First Three Towers Built Many Towers Built The End of the Lane, Where the Zombies Try to Get to Other Recent Minigames Created by Gravedigger5454: Iceberg The Furnace Soccer Hill
Sound's like a pretty interesting concept, but from the pictures you provided it seems like the zombies may not have that much cover when they come out of the teleports?
ey u had that map called graveyard right on guardian? if u still got it can u put it on ur file share i deleted it but i was gonna downlaod it again
This looks like it could make the zombies have to be really strategic. "Everyone go through the back" or "Go through the front now". Nice work and I'll be sure to download when I get a chance.
They have to take advantage of their powerups well, or go through the teleporter all at once to try to rush past the humans, there are also many other tactics I've seen work. I've learned a lot more about forge since then (that was my first map) and now have much better maps that fill up my fileshare. If I get a chance to play against you in a custom I could give you that map though if you'd like. Thanks.
This is a great map. I love how the zombies are forced to be strategic in their efforts to infect the other players. Usually, Infection maps don't require teamwork within the zombie ranks.
yea i liked it cuz it was so unbalanced and fun with the fusioni coils. i used to play mosh pit KOTH on it
I didn't know anyone still played it, so I removed it from my share. I could give it to you ingame if you send me a message on live. Back on the topic of this thread, what do you think of this map?
It's a great idea, but it doesn't look like it requires much more teamwork between humans then most zombie games do, just the usual, I watch this entrance and you watch that one, and we're good. Tell me if I'm wrong but if the zombies can pick up equipment, doesn't that mean they can pick up weapons too? Unless you intended it that way and have it balanced out, I'll probably shy away from it for a while. Nonetheless, you have a very well ordered post, and the screenshots very well presented the information to me.
The zombies are supposed to be able to pickup weapons. This is not a normal infection map. The humans have to use their towers (carefully, without destroying other towers, and defend a large lane from any zombies passing by. If a zombie makes it past, he'll get weapons and be able to do damage, then he starts destroying all the towers. The humans have to work together because of the zombie powerups and such. If one side suddenly gets rushed by 8 zombies, the other side will have to react quickly to make sure zombies don't get past. If someone gets a deployable cover placed in front of them, other humans will have to defend thier spot and they try to destroy the cover. If someone has an overshield, multiple humans will have to work together to get him to die. There are many other things as well, however if the humans don't work together, the zombies win very fast. I have seen humans survive the whole round before, but they've had to use a lot of teamwork to make sure none of the zombies ever get past. Over time, it becomes harder and harder for humans to stay alive. Zombies often use new towers as cover to hide behind so other towers can't hit them, and some of the zombie powerups can be very useful for them. If the humans let any of the humans die (by assasination or by a zombie getting past completely, you have to get by someone to assasinate them) then the number of zombies grows and the number of defenders decreases, making it significantly harder to defend. So yes, the humans do have to work together.
okay, I'll probably DL, but I just would like to know if the humans can pick up weapons. Otherwise this just brings me back to the days of RTS tower defence mods, its a nice homage to their addicting gameplay, and props to you for giving the zombies an option other than, "charge and hope you don't die!"
It's based on RTS Tower Defense's and play's a lot like them, but now as an FPS instead of an RTS. The humans can't pickup weapons and the zombies can't use towers.
After playing this I have many suggestions that made the game more enjoyable for me. Zombie Defense is a very original and powerful idea, but not the best executed one. I have quite a few suggestions about the map and gametype. The first thing I found about Zombie defense that I disliked was that the humans had pistols, which they could very easily use to kill the zombies instead of using the turrets. The second thing, right out of the starting gates was that the fusion coils spawned every 10 seconds, killing the zombies as they left the teleporters, another part of this was that the teleporters don't fully block the teleporters, and if the zombies jump, they can quite easily get through before the teleporters. 3rd thing, turrets can be snapped off, I know they are necessary, but I found that replacing the second row with two ghosts worked quite well. The chopper, to me was simply a bad Idea as it is hard to aim and very easy to mess up, and betray a teammate with. The wraiths don't need the corner wall and the four walls each to function, you could achieve the same effect with slanted doors (they block the wraith turret from firing in the same way. One of the most irritating things was the windows at the back, remove them and put a fence wall at each side of the back wall and make the middle area so you could shoot through it with full visibility of the map, yet not move through it by making a blind-like piece of cover with a bridge above your line of site and a bridge below it. Use the windows to make the ghosts immobile after placing a wall under them for some added height. For the gametype I gave the humans plasma pistols, so as to force them to turret.
This map was worked on for while. I see what you mean with all of these changes, however with my experience with it, it is better kept the way it is. The humans must have pistols because if there are to many humans, there are sometimes not enough towers for them all to use them. The towers however, do make killing the zombies much easier. The window in the back must be a window, because laser can't shoot through fence walls. The Chopper spawns very late, and is more of something that would allow a last man standing to have a chance, if he can survive that long. The turrets can be taken off, however, if they are, then zombies can pick them up and kill you. The ghosts could be moved though, and then players just run around splattering zombies. Thank you for telling me how I could more easily make the wraith harder to move, however I still think it is fine the way it is, since the walls have the same function. Thank you for your feedback, however I don't think I could make these changes for the reasons disscussed above. Edit: Just saw you mentioned a good way to make the ghosts immobile. That could be a good idea, however I need something new for the cover in the back that can be shot through with a laser or rocket.
I don't really understand the concept... Kinda sounds stupid. The zombies just go through the teleporters while theres a bunch of bullets going into their heads? Sounds stupid, no offense