Hi there i was wondering what your opinion of HLG is, for those of you that don't know HLG are a group (Not a clan) of people that use hiding tactics to win matchmaking games. Here's a video of them in action enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyR2vwAim0w I think that HLG is funny as hell and i have started doing it a alot i normally now take a cheep shot at the start of the game like a noob combo then hide, my reps to hell but i couldn't care less its classic hearing from 4 year olds to 40 year olds shout abuse that half of the time they don't know what they are saying and the other half have been planning what to say from the minute they couldn't find you. My favourite bit of abuse was this: Angry person: "You guys suck i'd kick both your ass's in a one on one" Me: "HLG Velocity" "Yeah but that doesn't matter cause im never gonna give you a one on one" A.P: "That's cause your to *****" Me: "Thats what she said, and if i did give you a one on one then i would just kill you and hide and we would re-have this whole conversation about how good you are at halo" A.P: "Thats it im gonna come round to your house and F***ing knife you, whats your address" Me: (Arby'N'the Chief) "Sure do you have a pen in paper ready lol" A.P: (Violent language and swearing.......... tut tut) wenty seconds over.
As an opponent, someone hiding against me is only an indicator that they know they can't beat me legitimately. Nice take on MLG's name too.
Real gamers don't need to hide for an easy win : /. Most of HLG are trash players and now they even make them selves look even worse by hiding. Just IMO though.
This statement is un true HLG founding members are level 50's that made new accounts because they were bored if you played them they would maul you even without hiding. If you watch their video's you would see how good they are before they hide.
Well I can see how people are like 'lame n00bz!!!' about this but at the same time if it's a strategy that wins then why the hell would you not use it!? I don't have a clan or anything so it'd be hard for me to execute this with the rest of my team in ranked or social but if I ever did get the chance to try it i definitely would.
i watched all the videos and they are quite fun but there is only one place i really use and it is the on near the invis on guardian. But i hardly use it tho. Also i do think that HLG are lame gamers nut i believe that they would own quite a lot of people
In one of HLG's videos, after a game someone on the other team said, "You guys suck! All you do is hide! Learn how to play Halo!". One of the HLG players said, "Answer this: does hiding get you kills?" and the guy goes, "....wh-....no..." and the whole HLG team starts laughing. It was great
To be honest I think this is quite pathetic and it defeats the object of killing. If theese kids went into an MLG and objective turned up, they would get slaughtered. Seriously, it's just sad.
Exactly, it's not only pathetic, it's a waste of time, I could get a 50 by playing normally faster than they could, winning every game, but hiding for 12 minutes.
I rarely hide, but the reason why I watch these videos is so that I can find them when they go hiding. The vids are still funny...
They take the lead, then go hide, and wait until time runs out to win. Sometimes, but rarely, they go hide first, then get a kill or two in their hiding spots near the end of the game.
While yeah it's not the way Halo is intended to play, it does get skill points. And when your borderline 50 I think it's a viable strategy. If it gets wins then why not use it? sure it could be boring, but I think that the boringness is made up for when you hear the people complain at the end, that's hilarious lol. If anyone wants to do some HLG doubles or team slayer hit me up My GT: John Brodish