MCDONALDS Truly, this is a sweet map. It has 2 bathrooms, grills, order place, concessional stand, tables with seats, a playground, drive through, menus, and who could forget the fries on the roof. FILESHARE SLOT 4
No. Not really. It may look like that, but I can tell you, It's not. Everything is aligned as good as possible. Except the playground. Ran out of money, had to figure out something to do.
Actually looks pretty good, however please change your link directly to your map. Links to fileshare are not allowed. -Donuts
Its McDonalds, thats their reoccuring theme. I love how you have the playground, although it reminds me of some bad experiences as a Anyway, this is a cool map. I wonder if Master Chief ever stops in for a bite?
Lol yep that was mine. The thread sucked. And am gonna change things to my map like a new bathroom or something. EDIT: Yavimayan are you saying that my map sucks?
It looks pretty sweet, but the only thing missing is the fat master cheif spillin mcdonalds coffe on his lap and screaming OH S*** THAT'S TO FU**** HOT OH MY GOD!!! lolz