Map removed due to sucking badly. I have gotten better at forging so this is really bad!!! and lack of interlox
well there wasn't much i could do because i did not have any money so it didnt take long. if i used the money glitch i wouldve had more boxes to merge with the other boxes and it wouldve taken me like a whole day but thats not the case. i understand if you do not wish to dl this version because its not much different
you know you CAN do the money glitch during production of a map. i got really far in a map only to realize i had no money left, so that saved me. i warn you its a pain in the ass, but if you're really concerned with your map and you're willing to put the time in, it can be done. edit: oh and for future reference i would just update your old post if its only slight changes. some ppl might start griping about it being a double post and stuff
like i keep saying i could not interlock any more due to reasons such as money and the amount of objects i had left and there arent many pics because the rest are in my other post
You do not need interlocking in a map to make it look good i think you don't need to do any thing with this it is a cool map already 8/10
DL'd. Looks Tight! How many players was this map made ofr, because the clan I was in all joined the game and we had about sixteen people all killing each other! Love the map. I'm gonna go break it down in forge soon. Kthxhat!
ok someone was very rude for giving you one star. the map isnt that bad. infact, i think it has a lot of potential. the layout looks pretty interesting. but i did cringe on the 3rd pic... those boxes definitely should be interlocked to make it smoother and cleaner. you could work on this map and get it a lot better man. i'd like to see that or some future maps of yours. good work. EDIT: nvm, i see in the desripiton you have interlocked boxes now. that is good.
It does look good and the interlocking youve got looks good as it is I wouldn't bother with that much and a good idea having the grav lift in a hole in the ground but can people fit down it becasue grav li8fts can be destroyed.
i actually used a man cannon so it shoots you up pretty fast. i was gonna use a grav lift at the beginning but thats why i didnt
Cool map, like it. Good Interlocking, seems like it would play pretty good! I really like the part with the grav lift in the ground, that's pretty sweet. And did you maked that layout in Paint?