Wizard Remake

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by vertigo042, Jan 16, 2008.

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  1. vertigo042

    vertigo042 Ancient
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    Didn't see an area for specifically just remakes so..... Mods Please move this if need be.

    Hey everyone I just wanted to add my first Remake of a level to these boards so I can get some honest feedback and some help if needed.(actually it does need help
    random spawns wtf)

    This is actually my first map. I got the map pack on the 30th and completed the map the next day.



    Sorry there aren't more screen my Gamertag takes forever to update.

    I got rid of the teleports because they added little game play in my experience, and replaced the ladders with grav lifts.

    For some reason at the first spawn 1 red team member (or several players in free for all) always spawns outside the map, and then has to commit suicide to rejoin the game. All the spawn points have been deleted. I have also tried to put in flags at the 2 bases but the option for flags or bombs does not come up in the objectives listing in forge. Dunno why.

    Heres a linky



  2. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Please publish your map to the Bungie forums and link to it's thread there. Thanks.
  3. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Agreed Shock. Some other criticism to consider, you should make other bridges that allow players to get into the middle. The map is fairly barren to, so if you have some cash I'd add some more structures or scenery. I'd say this one needs a bit more work. Good post though.
  4. el Noah

    el Noah Ancient
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    Nice attempt. i think maybe its slightly too big or is this just me? also i'm sure there were more structures in wizard...
  5. vertigo042

    vertigo042 Ancient
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    Shadow Sniper I had already changed it for more than 2 hours before you said that.

    All of the structures are there just no teleports.

    Just some pillars thats all thats missing really, but the items I could use for those could not be locked down for some reason even using the max and min run time trick. :squirrel_eyebrow:

    Weapons I can never decide what to put and where to put them so any advice you can give me would be much appreciated. Thanks for looking though.

  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Please don't take any offense to this, but your map needs some serious work. Fortunately, you've come to a place where the people here (mostly) won't flame you for being a novice and actually try and help you.
    Couple of things:

    -The reason why your starting players are spawning outside of the map is because, for each type of game you're playing (KOTH, Slayer), there are Starting Spawn Points that Bungie has put into each map. They are different from the Respawn Points and look differently too. To change this to your liking you'll have to hit the Start button and scroll down to 'Change Gametype', (or something to that effect,I can't remember the exact wording). You then need to go into every gametype you think your map with play on and delete/move the Starting Spawns to fit in the confines of your map. There is a wonderful Forging 101 that goes into better detail elsewhere on this site.

    -Your map looks kind of sparse based on what your pictures show. I'm willing to bet you still have a buttload of money left over, you should use it to add your own personal touch. There's really no need to do an exact remake. Use it as an inspiration and make it your own.

    My overall suggestion would be to make use of this fine website and search through the Forging 101 section located in the Forge Discussion section. I'm sure what's in there will make you a better Forger. It's definitely done so for me. Welcome aboard, good sir. I'll be looking forward to see how you progress here.
  7. vertigo042

    vertigo042 Ancient
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    Thanks I could not for the life of me figure out why it was spawing out there. I just checked it out and Man those things look weird. Thanks a Bunch. Like you said I still have about 300 dollars left over I believe.

    I'm gonna be home all day cause I'm sick so I started working on a new map http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=3361 I kinda wanna finish this one before I go back to wizard and spruce it up.

    Thanks and Happy Forging.

  8. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    No problem; happy to help out. I'll be interested to see your next map.
  9. Codexx

    Codexx Ancient
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    If you've placed spawning points, then nobody should spawn outside the map. If there ar enone, Bungie has invisible "emergency" spawns that will be used if there is nowhere else to spawn.

    Object placement is sloppy. Try to work it out. People will appreciate you for making it properly.

    It's not an original map. The design is there. That means you have no excuse for not getting things correct, especially when it comes to symmetry and features. Removing teleporters and making oddly shaped platforms is only serving to make it a more original map. And frankly, if this map were not based off another Halo map, I'd assume it was made your first time in Forge, screwing around.

    Add in teleporters, get objects to match up more evenly, and work on the symmetry. Making a map is tough enough to get people to enjoy it. When it's from another Halo game, people have played the Bungie version, and if yours isn't as enjoyable or better, nobody will want to play it. Every needs more work, but recreations are best done when you have object placement and alignment down.

    Also, your weapon spawns are nothing like the ones in Halo 1 or 2. I see 2 maulers in a weird position near each other. You should either be able to pick up both from the same location, or have to walk a bit to find another. The shotgun is also under the very same platform.

    I also see shield doors. There was nothing of the sort in the original

    I'm trying not be rude here, but your map falls way short of quality standards, and frankly, if they aren't meant nobody will do anything but look at the pictures.
  10. vertigo042

    vertigo042 Ancient
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    Ok first off. I said that it was my first time in forge. So that comment can be ignored. You just need to read the posts.

    Shield Doors were used instead of the barricade covers because they were not in the scenery objects so something had to be substituted and I thought it would add to the game.

    Object placement I can take that, I know it needs to be worked on, but like I said its my first map. And I said in my post Its my first its rough and it needs work but lemme know what you think

    There are ways that one can word it to make it a polite and constructive review, but some of your writing could be taken as rude.

    Thanks for the comment but in the future please act a little more constructive and a little less rude
  11. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    It does seem really bare and if this is your first time then there is no need to be ignoring comments. You should take all the advice you can get. I make maps alot and there is usually a picky little thing that could be fixed or different. So listen to what others have to say because if there are a couple things you could learn... this is the place to learn them.
  12. vertigo042

    vertigo042 Ancient
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    Stolen Poo this is what Im talking about ignoring

    IT WAS
  13. Codexx

    Codexx Ancient
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    Basic rule of map/mod making. Don't make something the first time in an editor. Screw around with it, learn some stuff, then make something playable. I don't see how you can literally go into forge, try to recreate a map based off of memory, and then go here and post it without being willing to take harsh comments. My first time is Photoshop, I just did stuff I could do in MS Paint. After that, I learned how to do stuff. Even if it was as simple as layer effects, it was still better than what I was doing without PS. Same with Forge. Same with the Warcraft III editor. I had no clue what I was doing my first time. Unless you are some magical all knowing being sent from beyond space and time, you'll likely do just as well your first time.
  14. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    well all the previous posts are right but i wont sound as rude (sry other ppl).

    anyway i suggest you work out ur map in sections. ignore everything outside the section and then make everything in the section ur working in perfect. then go to another section.

    l l l
    l l l
    l section l section l
    l 1 l 2 l
    l l l
    l l l
    l l l
    l l l
    l l l
    l section l section l
    l 3 l 4 l
    l l l
    l l l
    l l l
  15. vertigo042

    vertigo042 Ancient
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    Thanks Bill I did that A little but I guess the more you do it the better it gets.

    Codexx It was my first time making a map yes, but the only way I could have done that is if I new the basics like floating so........
    Anyway it doesn't matter lets forget about it.
    Its not about who's right or wrong.
  16. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Here is what i do with my remakes:

    1. Load up the map in the original game and map it out on paper. It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as you note all the details that are important to you: wall/object/weapon placement, spawn locations, cosmetics, etc.

    2. Go back into Forge and and fly around a bit to see how best to fit the map inside. Look at were the farthest points of your map would be and try to eyeball it to see if it will work.

    3. Construct a rough outline of boxes or walls for the edges of your map to make sure it will work before going in with full-on construction.

    4. If it works, rip it all down and start forging with some method in mind. Bkbillsfan's suggestion is an excellent way to start. By doing one section at a time, you can find and fix problems before you are so far in the map that its too late.

    5. Once you have all the major elements in, start working on finishing touches to make it feel more alive: barrels, crates, etc. Obviously with a remake, you may not want to add these if you want it to seem closer to the original. If you are low on $, try to find areas where you can save money. For instance using double-walls and double-boxes in places that you may have put two singles side by side.

    I think it is a good first attempt, and Warlock is harder than it looks to remake (i know from experience). But try to take this and other comments here, and use them to make it better. Also check out the Forging 101. I've learned a lot of tips there that i wish i knew before making several maps, myself!
  17. vertigo042

    vertigo042 Ancient
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    Yah man the whole circular idea is a hard one to nail if thats what your talking about. Getting the distances from the center pillar/platform but then the same distance from each little ramp area is a tough thing to do.

    If someone can help me with the distance issues that would be tight.

  18. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey there Adam. I just want to stop by here and say thanks for posting up your map properly. It looks good now, clear and explanatory. Also I'd like to say that I think the way you have responded to constructive criticism has been marvellous and tells me you are a mature and intelligent guy. I know some of us can be harsh on occasion, and in this case maybe a little too overzealous, but you seem to be on your way to improving your maps. Good luck and welcome to the site. :)
  19. ReactantMercury

    ReactantMercury Ancient
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    This looks awesome,
    I loved this level in halo CE,
    I loved it in Halo 2,
    and now I can love it in Halo 3.
    Great Job!!!

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