Revamped V0.1 By ClassicThunder I've made other Foundry maps before but this is easily my best. Its a 2 based 4v4 map that also plays FFAs very well. So far it supports Slayer, CTF, KOTH, and Ball. Weapons are the usual MLG weapons though it does have a sniper unlike most Foundry maps. I haven't been able to test it much but the game have so far been fast paced and had pretty good spawns. However, leave any feedback or issues you have the the map as I'm always looking to improve it! Link: Revamped V0.1 B Base_______________________________________________________ A Basement___________________________________________________ Sniper Tower__________________________________________________ Sniper Tower to Basement_______________________________________ Leave any comments or suggestions you have!
to ensure proper response and reaction, please provide images on the actual Forgehub post. If you do not meet requirements your thread may become locked and/or subject to infraction. EDIT: nice job taking advice... Map: this is incredibly sexy... very nice. i get a nice feel by looking at it. i suggest adding some more aesthetic features to bring in the downloads... maybe V3. but this is a download from me. keep it up, i'd like to see what maps you bring out in the future.
lol thanks. I was in the edit screen for about 10 mins when I noticed I hadn't made a box spawn at start. I'll add Vs to it as soon as it gets some proper testing and I tweak it.
Nice work! The map looks great. From what I can see it packs a very nice layout that is well constructed nice work once again.
I dont mean to be a pain, and yes I know everyone does think that peoples MLG maps resemble Onslaught. But this time, It is Onlsaught. Click here to see the similarities. As you can see in pic three it has the exact same interlocking and structures. Even the bases. All you have done is delete a few things and add a few things. Now can you be honest and tell me, was this originally Onslaught? 500th Post
Yes it was origionally Onslaught. However, the only thing I left from the original map is the wall. If you take the time to actually compare the maps you can see that the bases and everything B side is completely different. Only A side is similar and even there its different because I couldn't get that neat hexagon thing like Ons creator did.
Well the things I see that are extremely similar are. One the bases are exactly the same. You have just deleted the walls in front and moved them. The wall is the same. The sniper tower is the same. Top Middle is the same.
Map steal. I know this is stolen because the bases are the same, the middle thingy is the same and the big wall is the same, you just moved some walls and boxes and edited the weapons. Shame on you.
The bases Top B Top A and Top Mid are copied from Ons. However, they were deleted out and rebuilt. Only the wall is directly from Ons as stated previously.
No, the bases are exactly the same. all you deleted was the bridges and the two tall towers. If you look closely the two boxes on each side is the same, the flag spawn and the door behind it are the same, the stairs are the same, all of the interlocking it the exact same. yeah sure you deleted top B, but you kept half of the top middle the same and you didnt post top A. Why? because its exactly the same. I bet you didnt even tell salot that you were changing his map. Sure you can do it, but dont post it on a site saying that you made it.
Please never use part of anyones map without their approval. This is sort of a copyright infringement here at forgehub. Anyways, if I wasnt flaming i'd say that I like what you did with Onslaught. But I dont believe not being able to see the flag from front is MLG "style".
This look like a tight map, I really love the lead up to the sniper tower, It's a really cool design, Great Map! 4.5/5