I haven't tested this yet because my Xbox 360 is being fixed a the moment, I was just thinking. When a map has been overloaded the shield doors will disappear. By using something explosive, "fusion coils." I think that you can overload the map. The amount of fusion coils that they give you is not enough to overload a map. Possibly if you use the "Unlimited Budget Glitch" you could. You could make the settings so their is no respawn of the fusion coils. Make a pile of fusion coils. Keep making the pile bigger by using the "Unlimited Budget Glitch." Once the pile is big enough place a fusion coil high in the air, so it can fall into the pile. To get a fusion coil high in the air, and where you want it, hold it up in the air and have someone shoot it. Then you are done. In the beginning of a match that one fusion coil would fall making a huge explosion that would disable shield doors. Within a few more seconds all the shrapnel would disappear and it would be a normal map without the shield doors. Once again I was just figuring and have no way of testing this, I would appreciate it if someone could work on this and see if it works. If this does work and if MLG decides to make maps using this, I would appreciate a little bit of credit. Thanks
well i wont try this myself, but if you make it and it works you should post it. it would be interesting to try.
The unlimited budget glitch doesn't give you an unlimited amount of items, so you can't put more than the default amount on the map, so the glitch would have no affect on it.
me and my friend always overload a map by respawning 4 trip mines next to eachother and set the runtime minimun to 4. Than keep trowing intill the mines are dissapearing and then jump on it. And if it worked the shields should be disabled (I think).
That's not how you overload a map - as said before, even the maximum amount of default explosives you can put on a map is not enough to overload. You have to make trip mines instantly respawn once thrown, and make an unnaturally large pile of them. Once you produce enough, the map will overload. And since overloading requires a person's own effort, it would be tedious, especially for MLG, to create a version of snowbound where there'd be a 9th person constantly throwing/exploding trip mines somewhere off the map. Also, it would create lag as well, making this technique of removing shield doors basically unusable for MLG. And no one other than MLG would care, so eh.
Im pretty sure a map overloads when there are more than the amount of items allowed on the map. you know when you forge and you cant place any more items because there are too many on map? I think once you do that you can do the place trip mines only a few times and it will overload. they do not have to explode for it to overload. I could be wrong though.
Interesting, I wonder if this actually works. I'll have to try this sometime or has anyone else already seen if this works? Thanks for bringing this to my attention though.
I think that once the lag is gone, the shield doors come back.. and if the lag is still there you can't shoot, so it's futile.
It is possible to remove the shield doors(and everything else) by trowing a large pile of trip mines. But when the mines explode everything comes back after a few sec.
So what I understand from this thread is trying to remove shield doors during runtime. Yeah tons of trip mines would work, but I think we need to find a way to trigger it on command. I think turning off shield doors after a certain amount of time would be cool. Maybe just hit the item limit with many trip mines around the map, so in mid-combat while people are tossing Trip Mines the shield doors just straight up turn off. That would be an interesting mechanic/trick if someone figures out a reliable trick.
The fusion coil trick does not work... as has been stated... there are not enough fusion coils/propane tanks. The unlimited money glitch does not give infinite items.
we tried this a couple of weeks ago and couldnt get it to work. we went into the middle underground room on snowbound and filled it with max fusion coils and plasma somethings (the exploding blue/purple things) Then placed as many trip mines as possible onto them before the first one timed out out after about 5 minutes and exploded. The resulting explosion was massive but the sheild doors didn't go down unfortunately. If i did it again the only thing i would change would be to set the mines to instant respawn, but i dont think that would work still.
I actually overloaded every map with stuff. Grav lifts, Shield doors, tripmines in Sandtrap, the Rocket spawn platform in Epithah. I had videos but they were wasteing space for me. So I deleted them. Its pretty cool.