OMG, hello there everybody!!!! umm... i don't know anybody here... sadface... umm, i liek forging so everybody come and give meh a hug...
:squirrel_hug: I think that's a legit squirrel huggin a squrrel...I don't know... Welcome you bad ass son of a *****... I less then three'd you before, and I still do.
he can't touch people, he's like rogue from X Men. I will give you a forgehug, just because! make sure to follow the rules though! Yay!
Not trying to be an asshole...but: If you are going to be a relatively older member, and post an "introduction" it should be an example to new members what an introduction should be like... Something like linou's or BLAZE's or...uhh...mine(didn't want to be conceited, but ya...) Just saying =/
what do you mean? this is the first thread liek this.... anyways, i wanted a good lol at the time... well, i think it should be moved to off topic too. that way i can go crazy with it. lol