Mass Effect had a good ending, and was a great game. Assassin's Creed left you hanging, and I haven't heard any word of making another one... but damn they better cause that game was awesome, with a great story. Halo 2's ending was epic, never really played campaign of Halo CE. Star Wars: Republic Commando made me sad... Sev =,( And they finished the story with a ****ing book cause no one even bothered paying attention to the original game so they could make a sequel. Still need to finish GTA4 and MGS4... Don't own neither though =/ Need for Speed Most Wanted was pretty epic... though to many people complained "But people actually died there..." Well I have news for you. Me, hitting a car head on going full speed, will kill people. They have a better chance falling off a bridge, than getting in my way. I've liked the 2 Kotor games, great RPGs. So, I just can't really say...