Tell me what you think. I cba to post everything I've made though. Please note that a lot of this I have made for others that have requested at my various request shops. Signatures Avatars Drawings of mine colored in photoshop Web Layouts
They all look nice. Obviously you're signatures are for a site that caters to larger sizes than Forgehub. I also like your sixth signature from the top. Simple, techy, and good color contrast. Everything else looks like novice work. Personally it's all to cartoonish for me.
Yeah, a bunch of these are oldies. When I'm done making my Halo 3 sig I will be sure to post. I do requests if anyone wants something.
You've got yourself quite the collection here Ryu. There were a few in particular I liked: and ofcourse: Though, one thing, here at forgehub, we don't bode well for "bumping" we kind of leave that to Just keep it in mind
Oh yes, ironically that was also a double post. Neither of those are allowed here. We're much more civilized than Bungie's forums. Anyways, since you're new, it's alright. Only once though. BTW, Tex, when did you get two green blocks? Something I need to give you +rep for?
A double post? lololol, very good point, I totally just read "Bumpage" and was kinda grossed out =X Anyways, as for my 2 bars, I got that a while ago, and what for? I haven't the slightest, but for some reason I get repzorz...Maybe from Forgemates, maybe from Lazy Mapmaker's Contest, Maybe from my posts, one way or the other, I'm still accepting rep =]
Ahhh I see. And you got Loyal too. Good job. Although I bet you got that a while ago too. Anyways, back on topic, if you don't have much recent work put up, might I suggest creating some signatures and such as above to show us more recent work? I'd like to see more of your stuff after you post it.
if i gave you a picture that i want would you be able to keep this background andput me in instead? PM meif you can please.
KK I'll probably work on it maybe tomorrow, depends what I have going on. Hmm, parties maybe? EDIT: I wasn't actually able to put that pic on the exact same background, but I was able to get something similar to it. Hope you like.
nvm some1 made me a very nice 1 thank you alot for making 1 tho.. ill deff come back in the future and ill tell people about you if i se any1 askign for a nice sig.
hey i was wondering if you could make me a super awesome sig with pic as the backroound. And this 1 as the main imge. keep the angel and the wings but get rid of the backround sky/trees people. if you could keep the mode night but make the angel illuminated that would be so awesome! thanks a bunch, ~Blue bluepenguin23