
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by coyoteboy1023, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Download Gametype: Strain 23
    Download Map: Outbreak

    Year 98,381 B.C., 2 years after the forerunner’s first contact with the flood:
    At research facility 23, the forerunner were conducting experiments to find a way to render the flood useless, or find an immunity to their parasitic attributes. They captured over 1,000 flood infection forms to mutate. The flood specimens were exposed to radiation and high density plasma to mutate them. After doing this, the forerunner researchers exposed rabbits to them to test the results. They then gave the flood a 24 hour gestation period to infect their new rabbit hosts.

    Most rabbits either died or were mutated the same or more than what a typical infection form would. As it seemed so far, it was a complete failure. After months of researching they finally had a glimpse of hope. When this tainted infection form was introduced to its rabbit host, it latched onto it and infected it like most others. It crawled inside of the rabbit and the host was paralyzed for most of the gestation period. After the 24 hours were up they checked on the rabbit, when putting it through many tests they discovered that it was more resistant to physical damage as well as it seemed to still have self control. They then checked for immunity, to do this they exposed that same rabbit to another infection form, once again it was a success. The second infection form completely ignored the rabbit, as though it didn’t exist.

    The next trial would be a human one. As they infected the human hosts they made sure to contain them, just in case. They followed all of the same procedures as in the rabbit testing. They also got all of the same results. They thought they finally did it. After a few months of normal behavior, one of the infected humans was let out of captivity and let them roam free in the facility, probably to see human to human interaction.

    Whenever the infected human was alone with an uninfected, it lost control of itself, the flood took control of him, and it viciously attacked the uninfected; infecting it too. The outbreak was exponential; after most of the facility was infected, the higher ups caught on and ordered the activation of the facility’s fail-safe. It would activate a few minutes after they left. The last remaining forerunner took an emergency portal to a contained airfield where they could escape.

    The system activated a few minutes later, it locked all of its doors down and the entire facility was raised to a temperature that would incinerate and biological entity. The outbreak was contained... for the time being.


    Year 2619 AD:
    11,000 years after the abandonment of facility 23, human researchers stumbled upon a forerunner structure. As they set up base camp, an ambitious researcher decided to travel ahead of the group in hope of making a remarkable discovery. Ryan Stone entered the structure completely unaware of what was lurking.

    Once inside he stumbled upon unique forerunner writing on one of the walls. Stone concentrated on the symbols in hope to decode them. After a few minutes he felt a stinging pain in his back. Figuring it was a fly, he swatted it with his hand. To his dismay, he felt a small creature. Stone had heard stories of what these things would do to you. In panic, he sprinted towards the exit, but it was too late, he fell onto the ground unconscious.

    A few hours later Stone woke up--figuring it was all a dream. He returned to camp blissfully unaware. Ryan and the rest of the researches continued to bring cargo into the building. Sensing the presence of the infected human, programs left dormant for tens of thousands of years began to awake. The entire facility became alive as the plasma batteries were restarted and the eradication procedures began. The miles of ice covering the landscape melted away under the intense heat. The resulting torrent rampaged down the slop, claiming many lives and leaving a wake of destruction. Their provisions swept away and camps destroyed, how can anyone survive?

    What is YOUR plan of action?


    Outbreak is a game based of a lack of information, the kind that players take for granted. You will not know who is friend and who is foe while playing Outbreak until it is too late. This is because the overshield + invisibility causes the aiming reticle to stay blue. You can find out if they are a zombie only a few ways. You could damage them with a grenade.

    Use a power drain:

    Or you could use the radar:
    This is one of the aesthetically pleasing parts of Outbreak, it is a radar tower that you must climb to the top in order to "hack" into the system to scan for zombies. In halo talk it gives you a radar and 0% damage for 3 seconds, but it is on instant respawn.

    The inside of the radar tower was blocked in after the station lost its foundation from the charging plasma batteries:

    You can get inside the train, but the drivers compartment door is locked, you will also find the regenerator there:

    When there are 50 seconds left in the game (after 4:10) this teleporter in the middle opens:

    It will take you to this landing pad where you will be able to call in for evac:

    There are 3 switches on Outbreak. 2 timed map events and 1 player controlled event.

    You would usually have to beat down the plasma core and jump to get to the top catwalk, but after 3:00
    a gravlift on instant respawn spawns.

    The second switch is the main teleporter:
    It opens after 4:10 seconds to take you to the evac pad, it took tweaking to get this perfect.

    The player activated switch is just a simple minimum-maximum switch. The player picks up the custom powerup and about 30-40 seconds later, a hornet lands to pick them up.

    Weapons/Equipment on map:
    1x Needler (1 extra clip)
    1x Shotgun (0 extra clips)
    1x Hammer
    1x every equipment except gravlift
    1x spike grenade
    1x firebomb
    Many frags and plasma

    Download Gametype: Strain 23
    Download Map: Outbreak

    And for your switch making needs: h3artificer.com
  2. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    finally. you posted it. i found it very fun and different than any other infection game because of the ability of not knowing whos infected and whos a friendly. completely changes things up. the radar tower was definitely a good idea. but why aesthetics and not casual? just wondering. anyways great job
  3. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    This Looks Sick!!!!!!
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    this looks confusing,
    i dont like the effect you put on it it confuses the s#1t outta me lol
    and the map looks messy unless its supposed to be like that
    WALL OF TXT, run away AHHH
    i actuelly read a good part of it, nice work on the descriptions and story
  5. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    I used the gloomy filter to give it a more gloomy feel, imagine that, jk, I used it so that the doors wouldn't be see through, this allowed the center teleporter to look more like a portal.

    I posted it here because I didn't want a whole bunch of infection fanatics saying that they didn't like it cuz it wasn't rigged and I wanted the aesthetics to be appreciated.

    It looks a little messy because the crashed train is torn apart so they look like boxes laying around, the radio tower area has a few intentional mistakes with the walls of the building and the bridges coming out of the snow, it is supposed to look like stressed and cracked metal.

    I also forgot to add that on the train side of the map, banshees constantly fly past, half of them crash and blow up :)
  6. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
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    i have played this soooo many times testing it lol and loved it every time
  7. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Radar Tower= h4wtness.

    Radar tower gives you radar= FORGEMYPANTS

    This map is awesome!
  8. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Looks nice, the idea of a radio tower and the switches are cool. I also like the idea of not knowing who is friend and who is foe.
  9. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    i just want to say that you did a really really really really really reaaaaally nice job on this map, GreAT WoRK
  10. V3SPH

    V3SPH Ancient
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    This is awsome! 5/5!
  11. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    looks awesome definitely download
  12. forgy bob

    forgy bob Ancient
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    weird... weird indeed looks kinda kool but to me looks like a bunch a random stuff but hay ive never seen it so
  13. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
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    ya it may be a couple random things but they are part of scenery and go with the story....plus the gameplay is pretty solid if you think about it while playing =]
  14. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    Wait, this is an aesthetic map?

    But anyways, it looks like a pretty cool map and that tower thingy you made has nice aesthetics. But the gloomy filter could get annoying I guess.
  15. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
    Senior Member

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    Wow. this is an insane map... seriously it looks all well planned out. All the flaws seem to be worked out. Everything looks nice and you still had the money to put some more aesthetic features into it I.E. Banshees flying past :p Great job!
  16. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    The map looks great!
    The plan is good and it looks very neat!
    Nice long description =]
    Good job!
  17. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Hey could I get a mod to move this to the casual section plz, now that I think about it, it should be there not here... thanks for all the input guys
  18. Small Scotsman

    Small Scotsman Ancient
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    thank god no 1 is in those banshees! Good map, realy tense not knowing whos who.

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