I did my SATs recently (May) and I'm getting my results soon. My mum and dad said if I get good results, (which I will), I'll be able to get a new computer, because my Dell Latitude 110L is a piece of crap. But if I can get a computer what computer should I get. I'm looking for something not too expensive, and something that can handle games like World of Warcraft, UT3 and DoW: Dark Crusade. So something specificly for optimal gaming performance. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated =]
I'm not a huge tech person, but building one yourself seems to be the best option, also, I hear alienware is good for gaming, but I don't their prices.
Yeah I said I want to buy one, not make one. And I know Alienware is probably the best, but I said a reasonable price. I'm not going to pay £2,000 to play World of Warcraft.
Yeah, like the above said, if you have a friend, or even a friend of a friend that knows how to build one (even doing it yourself isn't too hard) I would suggest doing that, because the parts all together are much cheaper than buying a fully ready one (and you can make it better) if you are making a gaming PC, make sure you have a lot of fans in it... those overheat fairly quickly.