Hijack Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Ace Of Light, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. Ace Of Light

    Ace Of Light Ancient
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    Hijack Arena
    Created by Ace Of Light

    Supported Gametypes: Hijackman!

    BASIC CONCEPT:The Hijack Arena is the map configured for the Hijackman! Gametype. Hijackman! is based on this simple but fun concept: Splattering people is FUNNY! The map itself is nothing special- there are two starting areas with two warthogs each, a u-shaped catwalk, and a large, open central area.

    HOW THE GAME WORKS: There are 2 rounds that last to 10 points OR 5 minutes each. Players gain 2 points by splattering another player, but lose 1 point for any other kill. This point system, especially in large parties, forces players to have to hijack to get a vehicle to kill people.

    WHAT MAKES IT SPECIAL: There is an active camo in the middle of the arena for those OMG-I-GOT-HIJACKED-BY-AN-INVISIBLE-GUY moments (also those omg-I-splattered-an-invisible-guy-in-reverse moments). After 2 minutes, 2 ghosts will spawn. After 3 minutes, a chopper falls from the sky (Warning: The chopper has been know squash people waiting for it to spawn). The chopper is, in essence, the map's "Power Weapon".

    This game has been tested over and over and continues to be a favorite among my friends, which makes meh happy :) I realize there may be some thing you could initially abuse but...come on, man, just have fun with it. Recommended party size is 3-8 players. Trust me, with every player higher than 3 the fun doubles.


    Spawn area with Warthogs

    The Ghost and Chopper spawns

    The Arena!


    Note: I'm posting this map/gametype in both Mini Game and Casual, because I wasn't sure which one it should be in. If a mod/admin needs to remove one of the posts, please do so.
    I wasn't originally going to post this on Forge Hub because the map was made long before I knew proper forging skills, but seeing the front page post asking for more non-competitive maps, I decided to SAVE YOU ALL! Lol. Please provide feedback after playing the map (with proper gametype) with at LEAST 3 people.

    Download Hijack Arena
    Download Hijackman!
  2. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Umm, I dont get it. Can you explain a little more?
  3. Ace Of Light

    Ace Of Light Ancient
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    Was that sarcasm 'cause of the block of text, or do you really mean it?

    Put simply:
    Players must splatter each other to win. Since players out of vehicles are easy to splatter, and since there is a limited number of vehicles on the map, it encourages hijacking, hence the name.
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I think this is more of a mini game than a casual map. Just saying you might want to move it accordling.
  5. Ace Of Light

    Ace Of Light Ancient
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    Umm...I posted in both 'cause I wasn't sure. How do I take this one down?(I'm not very familiar with forum tools)
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    You can just ask a modderator to take this one down. To find a moderator just look at the bottom of the page for the orange names they can help you out.
  7. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    why's there two posts of this map?
  8. Aclopolipse

    Aclopolipse Ancient

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    This sounds real cool! I'm gettin' mah one o' these!
  9. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    in reply to SE7EN S1N S4M he said that he posted in both casual and mini games because he wasnt sure where it should go
  10. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    i posted on ur 1st one, but i think that this should be in mini games, and read my post on ur first post of this map, it has compliments =)
  11. Ace Of Light

    Ace Of Light Ancient
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    Thank you! As soon as I get hold of a mod I'll take this post down...

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