ye the village sucked, the best would be the shining but the worst would b... napoleon dynomite, it was funny but kind of corny
oh yea, "what did grama leave for diiner" or "i hate you llama" or "i can throw steaks at peolple..." so t=shirt worthy...
Has anyone here sat through and watched Zodiac? I can certainly say that Zodiac had the WORST ending EVER! The problem with the movie is that it had no ending.....and after sitting there for 2 and a half hours you hope it builds up to something....and then the movie just ends. If you haven't seen this movie, don't. You'll tear out your hair before the movie has ended.
Spy Kids 2. Worst Ending and movie of all time! Who hires 12 year old children as spies. Only Alex Rider is cool. (Book)
Well the thing is, in real life they never caught the guy. So if you expected the Zodiac Killer to be caught then you thought wrong.
I had no clue it was based on real events....and if they never caught the killer then WHY WAS IT MADE INTO A MOVIE? I could see making a documentary....but a film featuring Jake Gillynhall? C'mon....