Ninja Hero Created by mitona Gametype is Are you Ninja? Map Description Physical Maze - where most obstacles are push or jump/crouching This map is what i like to call a 'sample' because of its non-looking-pretty-ness (or lack of interlocking and geoglitching) which in some cases are fine but for this case i focused completely on gameplay (but yes i know perfectly well how to interlock and geoglitch so please dont comment about that >.<). Dont worry i just want to see if i am cut out for the maze business and i will make another maze that actually looks pretty as well as plays nice. so enough talk lets see a pic tuturial. This is the starting area where you start off. The first obstacle the ledge jumps first do a series of cross ledge jumping and at the end jump ontop and jump ascross the wall dividers to go through a teleporter at end. (dont worry i hate obstacles that make you kill yourself so there are none) This is where you have to believe you are thin and try to get to the teleporter. (yes i tested this map rigurusly so no need for impossibleness) which brings us to the next obstacle the impossoble jump which you have to jump from this bridge to the open single box. (to get back up you have to use the teleporter you see down there) jump side to side to you reach up and over. step across the 2 big stones to a resting point then jump onto the small to big to small stones to get the deployable cover which can be used to get into a hole (to the left in this picture but not shown) walk to the other side to prove your sneaking power. (with a little surprise at the end) this is to test your ability to look for the un-obvious (only non-physical obstacle) find the way up to the teleporter using your ninja instincts the final obstacle (not shown) is super ez and you should get it or you fail so GET IT. And if you didn't read the description DO SO.
1st Post!!!!! This is pretty good i love using "ninja like skills" on things.THe map looks kinda random but thats just from the pctures.Good job 4/5.
I also like using the ninja like skillz on maps. Looks like fun I'll try it! Keep it up and YES you should continue making mases/obsticle cources!
thanks for positives i am thinking of working on one for using mental as well as physical obstacles. (and yes fully interlocked and geoglitched)
yes as i said it is a 'sample' map of the ideas i have to offer and the next one will be completely escape proof
Are you supposed to have to move something to go through the first teleporter? Because I'm at it and it says it's blocked, but I can't find anything that I could move...
this looks great. I'm ab0ut 10% through making a ninja style map myself. Though most parts of mine are maze-ish. This is good 10/10 5***** and all that jazz.
Reminds me of "Guitar Hero" from the name, but anyway, this is a cool challenge, great, though I can't DL.
omg the jump is impossible lol i tried 100x but i realy touch the single box on top but ain't get in it or on it
in the second to last picture I can see the teleporter under the forklift,might wanna cover that with a pallet or something! but anyway, good work!
I know you. You are in the group I am in and I support you and yes you should still make obstacle course maps.
TO DO THE ONE WITH THE TELEPORTER go as far as you can the crouch go foward press RT then Teabag really fast while going foward lol soz for double posting