Anyone heard of all the little noobs that just flip a car and then repair it and get millions of points. If anyone is in anyway conected to ea, please say something, its real annoying.
yeah it is very annonying. i usally just bring a tank over to there base and kill all of them. edit yes i does affect you because if your in a squad with people doing the glitch you would have to spawn next to them.
yes, because the top 5,000 people on the leaderboards arnt legit, and maybe even more than that. Wouldnt that annoy you if the the number 1 halo player in the world was un legit, think about it.
i was saying if anyone is connected and don't be so harsh, this is a simple question for people that are also pissed off, not people that just want to be asses
thats never happened to me. does this only happen with you when you have a bunch of n00bs on your team? I bet if you stopped bragging about your guns and such, they wouldn't betray you.
i don't use my mike. if i kill a bunch of enemies, or if im driving a vehicle i always get killed by my own team.
so what. It's probably a mistake anyway. Now how the hell do you know that they mean to betray you when you don't even use your mic?
i just got the game yesterday it seems like everyone is a shotgun *****, and yea ive seen mad noobs randomally fixing tanks.
I don't have the game. I played the demo once or twice. It's a nice game, but It's too fun for me. I can't take the level of win.
everytime i see someone doing the ranking up glitch i get whatever class i am at the time and i betry them all which of course they get mad at me and yell at me but all i do is laugh and after the game i file complaint on them or i will give them bad rep. it depends at what mood i am at the time. lol. and thats how i deal with cheaters.
I've never seen them, I can never get a fix for my hele. BTW, can anyone land those things? I normally just divebomb tanks.
I'm a helicopter ace. First time I hopped in one, I was glad to see that helicopters were actually flyable by someone who hasn't spent an hour getting the hang of it. I can land it without losing a point of armor. When I get the full version, I'll likely be the pilot for my team (I was in the demo).
ye iv had the game for about a week now and i must say pretty gd, the graphics are gd, the story is alright but really shines online, its very fun but sadly has only 1 game mode