This is version 4 of MLG Cleansing. There are more asthetics, interlocking and nicer pictures. I replaced the fence walls with wall corners and I got rid of the fence wall Xs and replaced them with barrier, short barriers, and window panels. The weapons are the same but I'll give a refresher. I'm open to tips for a version 5 8 BRs 10 sec 4 Carbines 90 sec 1 Mauler 120 sec 4 FG 30 Sec 8 PG 30 sec Pictures: Base 1: Base 2: Mauler : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
looks pretty good, but some new pics would be nice, maybe a better description and some gameplay pics plz
Looks very basic - have you used interlocking? I don't think this map is worth a download to be honest. Sorry. Maybe if you add more pictures and describe it better more people (like me) will download it, but at the moment I don't think it's going anywhere. Sorry again.
I liked v3 a lot! I'll download and play on it. I love a good MLG map and this still looks pretty cool. Nice work!
This map is way to basic and their is to much open space. The open space is bad because it can be a spawn killing type map.
Yuk. When I saw that, I cringed. Not to be mean. It seems way too open to be a functioning MLG map. Also it looks quite breakable.
As this is an MLG Map, i would really consider making a V2 where it is interlocked. The bridge does look a little scrappy, as does the cover above it. Also the map looks very open so you should consider placing some more cover in a lot of places. Clean this up and it should be great - waitong for those improvements! EDIT: Also, add a few more pics
Okay....... to start out I've seen every version of the map so far, but you haven't fixed the most important errors! First off, please read forging 101 for how to interlock, I'm sure you're heard that many times but not interlocking will only cost you many Dl's. Secondly, Flip the boxes upside down, it makes things look smoother and cleaner; smoother and cleaner maps get more Dl's. Also, once you learn to interlock, please interlock your walls, floors, and anything else that could look nicer. On another note, maps should be inescapable, looking at the barriers you put above your walls you propably think that's the case- well it's not. Now listen to this (EVERYONE FORGETS THIS) with a two man jump your map would easliy be escaped. You may be thinking, why would anyone want to escape my map, well because they can, and many people's goals is to escape or break maps. On your next version I look forward to seeing the walls, floors, and other surfaces interlocked. You're on the right track so keep forging! EDIT: I see you did in fact interlock in one spot: below the central bridge. You merged two wall corners, so don't be lazy man, interlock the rest and I guaruntee you'l get double the number of DL's you've gotten from all previous versions combined. EDIT...AGAIN: Lol sorry bout the dub edit, but I realizes the wall corners were not in fact interlocked, it was the angle the shot was taken at.
Dude I know how to ****ing interlock!!! I used on the walls on each side of the map except for the ones with fence boxes. There is also some interlocking at the octagonal curves. I can't put any more stuff because I didn't use the unlimited budget glitch. And I don't want to have to do all that work again unless you are willing to help me. I already have down-loaded a FMGC so now i just have to do the blunt work. P.S. I can't ****ing geo-megre so stop asking me to geomerge objects!!!!
LOL hey from the pics looks like you didn't interlock so srry guess u did (I wasn't the only one to make this mistake...). Also if u want help with V5 I'd be happy to help. PS I never said anything bout geomergeing
there are also way to many weapons. every br/carbine should be on 60 second respawn. 4 brs should be enough because every one who dies will have dropped a br. limit it to 4 plasma nades because thats what every foundry MLG map has. its also crazy open, and there are only two levels making the lines of sight ridiculous.
if you dont want to put in time to make your map great than what was the point of making it in the first place.