Hey everybody , when i was brainstorming some ideas earlier today i though of a concept for a map but i dont know what to think about it. I was thinking about what makes a map good competitive/casually and i thought of Guardian , The map is great overall but is still fun in custom games and such and then i thought: "Why Not Remake Guardian?" most maps that are remade nowadays are made from previous games and this would be a unique addition to the Forgehub Map Section. Remaking Guardian would completely change its atmosphere, giving it a huge chnage that could shock/impress the player in-game. Even if i ran out of materials i could make general changes to the map by shaving off rooms/spaces etc to make a competitive 1v1 map. As i said before , I posted this thread to see the community's reaction to my idea and see if it's worth going ahead or not. Post/Flame Away. /sarcasm
itd be cool to see. however, in the long run, like the other remakes from halo 3, it'll get deleted off my harddrive in order to give me room for more original maps.
You have a fair point there, The only way it would stick out from a players memory would if it was near exactly the original aswell as the other features which would have to all combine to be exceptional. EDIT: Sure Entity , How far are you so far?
I was also thinking of doing this, oor something very similair to Guardian, I can help you if you want.
My advice is to reimaginate it and make sort of a Lockout or Ascesion type map. Good ideas though but if you made a great floating competitive thatyou could fall off of, I would play that forever!
i have the middle structure set up, but i want to restart the project to keep in mind of the supplies i have available...