Hey everyone, first I should say that this is my first post here on forgehub, so it might be a little weird... Anyway... SOCCER! yay... Get ready for some fast moving, soccer smacking action! The rules are simple 1.To score, you obviously need to smack the soccer into the opposite team's goal. 2.The goals are marked with "A" and "B" signs, so regardless of your team color, you always hit the ball into the goal across the map from where you start, so memorize your goal letter as soon as you start. 3. You start with gravity hammers. You go 200% off normal speed. You are invincible. And you play with 75% of normal gravity. 4. When you score, if the ball doesn't go in through the bottom, and out the top(see the pictures), it doesn't count, even if it went into the goal area. And now for some screenshots. A base B Base Smack! Give it a try, it's very fun! Here is a link to The Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Here is a link to The Game: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Enjoy The Map! (and please rate and reply) (-:
what is your scoring system to keep track? If you don't have one I can suggest a goodway :] but the map seems pretty good.
I agree with streetsoccer, it needs a scoring system and what happens if the ball goes on top of the shield door and falls in the tryangular hole? it will be stuck there
For the scoring system, I usually just watch the game in theater mode. And I don't know what you mean by triangular hole, but if it gets stuck anywhere it should respawn in 10 seconds.
Oh, I see what you mean my "triangular hole", well, there is no hole. The top is covered by another shield door.
o god i am adding that into my sig. tryangular. thats kinda like saying nucular. but anyway nice twist on soccer. most people just tried and put a fence box and an a or b on top of it. but u r kinda in a pickle with the scoring system. u could have a ref, but who really wants to be a ref oh and sam. try not to double post, just edit ur old one like me right now. editing my post
ehhh not a good idea, let me suggest something for you. Go back into forge with this map go into monitor press start then change game type. You want to change it to capture the flag, you probally think its stupid but once you change it delete the flag spawn and return spot on the map. Then put an attacker flag spawn and return into the goal, and the same with the defense but put it into the other goal. Make sure the attackers and defenders spawn opposite of their flag spawn and return because they are going to the goal then once they score they go inside the goal real quick then tap the flag and it will count as a point. If you didn't understand what I meant and want to be shown just add my gamer tag. -streetsoccer12
Well, it makes sense, but I know that some stupid a-hole will grab the flag without scoring the ball. And if someone scores, they'll argue about who scored and end up either holding up the game for a long time, or all grabbing the flag and scoring multiple points for one goal. So it's a good idea, but some people just cant handle it. You know what, scratch that. I should at least give it a try.
wow you invented some cutting edge technology. the football map has been done probably 20 different times and you probably weren't the first to come up with the idea of making a automatic returning football. This does look like a pretty good football map though, and using the flag idea sounds cool. Theres no way to make a flawless scoring system but that sounds really good.
My first version of this map had man-cannons and shield doors in the goal, so it would make the ball fly back. That didn't work because the ball would fly right into the other goal. I tried moving the man cannons a bit, but it never turned out right. Eventually I just deleted the man cannons and left the shield doors. This way the ball would hit the shield doors and bounce back. After a few games I realized that it wasn't going to work. The ball would some times go in the goal but not hit the shield door in the back. And whenever it did hit the shield door, it wouldn't bounce back far enough. I went back in forge, messed around a bit, and eventually came up with the throw-back technique. So, I never "stole" anyone's ideas.
Idea's don't matter. It's who executed them first. And that was I. I never accused you I just said the whole soccer things been done alot before. Don't be so defensive.
You sound soo stupid. Do you have any proof you were the first one to do it. Maybe you were the first to post one on this site.the way his works is really cool. Making a football map takes no originality due to the fact that the sport has bin around forever and they actually give youa football in forge.
.......... Exactly, Soccer/Football was what bungie had in mind. It was nobody's idea. Anybody who tries to take credit is an idiot.
I never said I was the first one to make a soccer map. Everyone know's that I'm probably the 100th+. But as far as I'm concerned I know I'm the first one to make a working return system. Prove me wrong.
As far as you're concerned? Do you know how many people have made a soccer map before? Did you check every halo player's file share and play on every soccer map you found? No, you haven't. There are probably thousands of people before you or me who created automatic ball return systems that you have never seen, so how can you assume that you are the very first? Listen guy, I don't need some loser kid telling me that my map was his idea so get a life. I'm sure that everyone here will agree.
Heres your proof. the firstmap on this site with an auto return: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/690-box-soccer.html This is on the last page of mini games, and there could be other ones with auto returns. I can only hope you get warned for trying to take credit for someone elses idea.