One of the greatest mini-maps there is and will ever be. Awesome imagination Cosmic, can I have your brain?
wow i love playing this it took me and my team a little bit to learn the moves but we got the hang of it pretty quickly.
I'd like to point everybody to a new Teamwerks Arena strategy guide made by NeverlessWonder HERE. It tells you how the game is played. He didn't write down all MY strategies, but he's got pretty good coverage of the options available to you. Also, Teamwerks has been nominated for best of forge as best minigame. Thanks ForgeHub!
It looks really good and original, and a blast, so I'm going to D/L. I like the shield vampirism aspect because I don't think I've ever seen that incorparated into a game before yet ahve seen the option many times. Good job
Looks sweet but it also looks like you need a lot of people to play it... Still, pretty nice. I can't add anything helpful, that's how good it is. 5/5.
Wow this looks epic! The interlocked floor and sides look awesome! And the game looks like a load of fun in big numbers! I will so download when i get a big lobby next .. =] Great job! =]
I think this map is amazing, how it takes so much teamwork to win. And also, this map kind of reminded my friend of **** fighting, (don't worry, we don't participate in them, our crazy teacher taught us about them when they were in the news.)
Cosmic, hey buddy! Ok we got that done with! I really love this mini-game. It is so original and I think I just fell in love with it. I really want to play a tgif again simply becuz I want to play this game with everyone who is open to playing these kinds of games. I LOVE IT!