Highway of halo

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by many popes, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    As you can see this writing is red not purple meaning it's very important.. I have not posted this map solely for the map. (the map was very easy to make) I'm just posting this because I think it is one of the most fun custom games ever. I will explain why in the description!

    the map

    the game variant (please download aswell)

    The zombies will spawn on the high tower with a gravity hammer, low gravity, super fast speed and low health. The humans will spawn pretty much at the centre of the map where they will have mongooses, all warthogs and choppers. I have taken prowlers, ghosts and any other vehicles out because they were either unpractical (e.g. scorpion) or had a huge advantage (e.g. prowlers are almost impossible to flip.

    The aim of the game is for the zombies to stop the vehicles with grav hammers and obviously kill the humans. Vehicles are indestructible so zombies have to either directly hit the person off or flip the vehicle so they get out. Because vehicles are indestructible expect to be flipped and tossed around the map alot. I think hurling cars into the sky and being hurled into the sky is what makes this game so fun.

    I've been testing this map alot lately and I've got the zombies and humans traits completely fair and balanced. Zombies are very powerful but humans have a large advantage aswell because cars always seem to land the right way up.

    Other things on map include a big swingy pendulum and a small base with turrets if your really boring enough.

    Please play the game or atleast think about it. Do not rate the map because I know even I would rate it 1 lol, rate the gameplay.

    Here's some pics.

    The super awesome pendulum.

    looking into the base.

    Inner section of base

    Now action shots...

    Please mind your head

    Last man is no more

    It's hammer time!

    Hi... Hi.... Um where did the mongoose guy go?
  2. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    Nice. The game-play is fun. I say it is because I've played this before on various maps. I'm not saying it isn't an original idea, because it isn't a game played very often (CR gets played more). But you've been beaten to the punch on making this. I must say, the complete lack of objects actually fits the type of map needed for this game-type.

  3. infected6dreams

    infected6dreams Ancient
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    I hve a Map and Gametype kinda like this, zombies are fast and strong, but only the alpha zombie has a gravity hammer AND sword, the rest just have swords.
    Vehicles are not invulneravle and the humans spawn not near from the zombies (in elephant) Near a 'rainbow' of almost all weapons and vehicles, so they have very little time after the zombie spawns to get to their car and GO!

    I've played similar games like this and they can be the funnest things in the world. lol
    I like how you gave everyone gravity hammerts with invincible vehicles, it allows MORE FUN. Great Job!

    though im not sure what the pendulum is for... =/
  4. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Every once in awhile this can be fun, and I'm glad the zombies have Hammers instead of only Swords, it helps.

    But, I'm kinda surprised you posted this, you have to admit, lots of noobs (not that you're a noob) have already made this, though your version is just a little better.

    Again, it can still be fun sometimes, so 3/5.
  5. ReactantMercury

    ReactantMercury Ancient
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    Looks ok,
    I would try to add more to the inside of the actually map,
    but looks pretty desent.

  6. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    I don't want to burst your bubble, but this concept has been overused since the beginning of Halo 3. It is way too easy for the humans to just shoot the zombie once and keep on driving without ever dying. Maybe set it up differently, give the zombies Spartan Lasers, have them immobile on the same tower, and have them try to pick off the humans. Change it up. But, since I have hated these Sandtrap maps because of their lacking originality, I cannot download or give it a rating. Thank you for listening, and good luck on your map. All the best, Skittlemeister0.
  7. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    I love these kind of maps. They rock! I've been trying to make one like this but I can't just make it simple so I gave up... I just downloaded the map and gametype and will try this as soon as possible. 5/5
  8. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I'll DL and try it. Havn't seen a good sandtrap map in a while! Looks like fun keep forging!!!!!
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    yeah i haven't seen a map on SANDTRAP for ever i am so glad thank you but the map looks cool i was going to say where is the interlocking but then remembered you can't

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