Im in a little pickle. I have a gametype where I need the zombie to be able to deal damage only to set off a switch. But here is the thing. He is in a ghost, so I do not want him able to shoot anyone to kill them. Can I have any help on what to set to what? I've tried having the humans invulnerable, because they are supposed to be able to be killed that way, but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone have any suggestions?
Try a custom powerup, making the Zombie have to get out of the ghost, activate the switch, and get back in the ghost.
Or maybe let the switch be able to triggered by a fusion coil explosion then let the zombie splatter the fusion coil with the ghost?
Or you could use a lever switch: _I_ ..Ix ...< So the I's are walls, and the line is a pallet, the x is a fusion coil, and < is a man cannon. (dots are spacers) \I .I\ ...< x So when the ghost hits the pallet, it forces the fusion coil into the man canon and causes the switch to activate (cuz now u have an explosion)
I have no idea if this will work, but if the zombie damage modifier is set to 0%, he wont be able to shoot players, but I believe he can still damage the environment/scenery.
No, I am pretty sure it isn't, in a map i will release soon there is a CP that gives you a radar and 0% dmg, I threw a sticky and it didn't blow up a power core...
Alright, thanks everyone. I happened to make a different way for the game to work, so thank you all for your insight, but I got it. Please, message me if you want to help me test it. GT is the same as my username, so yah. Please help