okay sorry but I'm gona have to make a suggestion here drop the AR and just go with a Plasma rifle instead the AR doesn't suite 1v1 very well in my opinion. and the starting weapons for the game type should be an SMG and a PR just a suggestion.
I'm gona say make the 2 people (or teams) spawn in those little rooms on either side of the default foundry and let them pick the weapons/equipment that they want for each round and make the score to win 1 point have it be like 5 rounds. don't know if that was clear if you need pics just tell me.
well the map seems like a good 2v2 map and if it gets done please post it oh and mabey you should substitute the grav lift for some thing else (just a suggestion)
okay, heres whats done so far. The bottom floor: the second floor: (without walls) The second floor: Its not done yet but it will be soon. post suggestions!
Looks rather small, which isn't a bad thing. For a weapon set, I would go with Spikers, SMGs, Battle Rifles, Carbines, Frags/Stickys (with 45 sec spawns), and a Plasma Rifle as a power weapon. Trust me on this one, I've made plenty of small maps. A mauler probably wouldn't work very well. And a Plasma Rifle would give you an advantage but you couldn't really camp with it. As for equipment, I wouldn't use anything. But if you really wanted equipment, one radar jammer to mix things up/prevent camping.
Id love to help my GT is About 6 Bushmen, Earlier i was thinking of a Guardian remake on Foundry , you know like a skin/atmosphere change aswell as added details that the item pallet could support. I Drawn up Sniper/Overshield spawn when i was bored so i have ideas already.
i know its not complete so theres really no point, but if you want to get a general idea you can download it so far. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing