Not your usual Foundry map. Battle your way up the winding slopes of Serenity Valley in a fast paced and action packed slayer or CTF game. I have made this map with the idea of having a base at the top of a large winding hill which you have to defend against the attackers. there is also a smaller base at the bottom which opens the map up for some multi flag or neutral bomb games. practically every object is interlocked with its neighbour to create a much more user friendly environment. over 20hrs work. Pics - This map is quite small due to the amount of objects and scenery required to make it all. weapon details are as follows:- BR - 8 Sniper Rifle - 2 Needler - 2 Rocket Launcher - 1 Spikers - 2 Shotgun - 1 Maulers - 2 Energy Sword - 1 SMG - 2 Machine Gun Turret - 2 Plasma Grenades - 6 Spike Grenades - 4 Bubble Shield - 2 Regenerator - 2 Deployable Cover - 1 Power Drain - 1 Overshields - 1 Active Camo - 1 to download map click here - : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Well, you CAN'T use images from bungie (or even links to them, so you'll have to host them (like you did for the ones in your other thread). Also, you have to embed your image, not just link to it (you cannot embed images from bungie, due to the dynamic coding in the SS viewer). So to embed, just take the direct link(the one at the bottom), and copy paste it here, and on either side, put "." Like so:[code][noparse][img][/noparse][/code]Which comes out like this: Now just do that for both of your images, and you're good! I like the look of your map, but after a mod sees this, you'll have 24 hours to fix your thread, or the topic gets locked, so I would enjoy seeing it fixed! =] Also, embed the images on your other thread. On last addition, you forgot to include a link to your thread here.
Again, this map looks amazing! The interlocking must have taken forever. I already downloaded this, but great work! Edtit: ummm... you just have to edit the old post. Just click the edit button at the bottom of your post.
I think the problem, is that you have "Tumbnail" ticked as yes, try setting the option (on the imageshack page) to No, for the tumbnail option (on the right side of the links). Then take the different links that they give.
Reminds me of Gradient (A map that was featured on the front page of what with all the slopes ect. I played some slayer on it with my friends, and it was awesome gameplay! I came third but who cares. Me. Do you have a game variant for this map? I think you should make one for it. Be creative.
I'm sorry, but one picture is not going to have everybody screaming "OMG I LUV YR MAP!!!" Please embed a LOT more than one screenshot, and give a better description on how the map plays. EDIT: Very sorry, Only one picture showed and I thought that was it. After seeing the rest of it, wow is all I have to say. That is pretty good forging, my lad, and keep it up.
this map looks awesome, but you should have it support king of the hill, but with only one hill great map though, i love it