I DLd and had a look around, truly beautiful. Your grasp of interlocking seems seriously good, as well as lining things up and getting them perfectly flat. Your structural work is good and I like the way you've made a walkway round almost all of the outer edge. Red and blue bases are my favourite bits though. Simple but really well done and they look like they'll play great as well, your use of bridges in these bases is immaculate. You clearly pay alot of attention to detail, all objects are perfectly placed for jumps and everything lines up so well, did you plan this thoroughly? Also, I'd be interested to hear how long this took, its impressive and I'm hoping this took you a while or I might give up now. Can't say how it'll play from a forgethrough but everything looks balanced, weapons, powerup etc and I just love the construction.
To OP: I think you should make a V2 with a different middle. The X just doesn't fit into the game play.
This map is great, it really shows your skill for geo-merging. I love the bases, and you can see how the map flows without hotspots. The only thing I doslike (and other people agree with me) is the centerpeice. Because I just don't get the shape. Apart from that the map is fantastic.
if there is one thing i love about this map, its the front entrance to the bases. The bridges formed into a curved sort of ramp is just awsome... as simple as it probably is to do, and as many times as its probably used, i never have seen this before in MLG (?) styled maps. Good work on the map as a whole also.... nice interlocking
Nice i like the two bases on either side nice interlocking and you named it after one of my favourite songs < Brownie points
this map is awsome i think mlg should use this for tournaments and stuff. i like how you used the symetrical and asymetrical thingys not many people do that the bases are awsome and i love the center pices. nice job with getting the shotgun perfectly placed on the wall
Looks alot better than a "Bitter-sweet migraine in my head" *punched*. From the screenies, looks weel built, but the structures feel a little less daunting because they are smaller than most competetive maps. Good to see change.
I really like the bases, but the x sorta of draws my attention away from the map. Remember though I am just one guy. My opinion dosen't matter!