Glad you noticed, though it's great for CtF as well =] actually, my personal favorite games are on Project X playing CtF... Thanks guys, but if you would please go a little more in depth with your responses, it would give me a better understanding as to why it's so "great"
I still cant believe this is so uch fun after so long.... oh well I guess when great maps are made something what?
Thanks Brute, I actually have to agree, this is one of my favorites to play when it comes to an mlg type map (THOUGH THIS IS NOT MLG, DON'T TWIST MY WORDS PEOPLE) So, did you try it? or were you just adding to your post count? Thanks Hayabusa, I'm glad you "discovered" it =P Oh, and I just remembered who you are, You're from CPF (Custom Party Fridays) Herro.
Just to reply for the fact that now spelling SUX is getting old, and annoying, so I'm breaking it up.
Just to let you know your YouTube video doesn't work... sorry if someone already told you but I thought it was important... But! The map looks amazing! Awesome interlocking and nice looking bases!
This is by far THE best map I've ever played ever. Seriously, even bungie should be jealous of this map. Heck, this should be on bungie's favs. for the next month. 10/10
i like U better. just because of U's layout and wepon placement. i played on both and i think U is better. i mean this map looks great! it's got good interlocking and wepon placement,but i like u better because i find it more fun. overall this map does look good. i liked playing on it, but like i said...U
You are such a ****...sometimes...Not all the time...But that was mean, I know we went over this in private messages, but I thought I would go over it again in this post. (He wasn't trying to be an ass people.) Uhh..."Ever someone give him recon." Is flawed in two ways: A) Your grammar. B) I would not accept recon for a map that SHAD0W and I both made together, unless he received recon as well. Thanks for the comment though. Thanks, I have a new youtube video now. Blood Fire made the original video, and his youtube account got a light sense of the word...funny story actually, but ya... Bungie fav's for a month, that part made me chuckle, thanks for the comment, but I doubt anyone would be that kind to us in doing so... I have heard this on numerous occasions, I don't deny that U is pretty sweet aesthetically, but the gameplay imho, wasn't the greatest...I have to keep my favorite of the 2 with X...
Man Tex your so intense none of your threads die! Man yoru a beast Tex. I really dont get why you dont have any sort of reconition yet, like loyal or prenimun or even event staff. I dunno i bet they got something cooking for you
ive seen this many times before, and others have said its very good, ill have too check it out, have to delete stuff first.....
looks like a medium between your other two maps, kinda open,kinda closed. Its been done before but it has a good touch to it. 3/5 again
tex, this is a very well put together map, i played some multiflag on it yesterday and it ws very fun trying to get the flag from the base, the mancannons are positioned beautifully, the interlocking and geo merging is solid, i think this plays the best out of the sux project, great job, the project sux deserves a feature.
Paulie stfu you sux. Just kiddin. yea tex great map. you and shadowviper did a great job. keep at it.