Whaling Staion Created by BlitzkriegRecon Supported Gametypes: Infection [The Storm] Map Description Whaling station is made for infection. It has many camping spots for the humans including the most secure on the "ship" it floats 50 ft in the air and has two turrets and alot of firepower inside. At the beggining you have 150 sec. to get settled before the "Storm" strikes, the question isn't if you can kill them all but how long can you survive? I would recommend using my gametype for this map, but alltogether its a fun map ENJOY!. _________________________________________________ The Ship "Salvation" Watch Towers Another building for defense _________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SUMMING-UP COMMENTS AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE Download Whaling Station Download The Storm gametype
looks like a pretty good map with a great ship. more pics would be better though, its hard to get a feel for the map without them and a weapons list (if there are any) if there are no weapons, it would be helpful just to say that 3.5/5
This doesn't look very fun. The fact that there are many camping spots will make the zombies frustrated and have them quit. There are too many cheap places like the watch towers and I would like to know what you did to counter this. Why did you give us 150 seconds before the storm. Just start the game off right away to avoid people getting pissed off.
It looks... Ok...I personally dislike it. This isn't helpful in the slightest. I could easily class it as spam - Warning Given - TexturedSun
The filter would bug me if i'm out gunned constantly camped and then probably spawn killed as well like someone said earlier I would quit too.
i guess i didn't make it clear when the storm hits everything is blurry and the zombies by far have the upperhand. Also the "camping" spots the humans have can be easily over run and even if the the humans find some amazing spot they run out of ammo quickly
Looks pretty good, Really like the platforms just chillin out there, The only thing I would say that I don't like is, The weird crate building it could use a little bit of interlocking, Other then that, Great Job 3.5/5