I am not sure if I told you this but I wanted to say I loved that dark area, so awesome, ya know, the really dark black one.
This map looks extremely sloppy, you should put a lot more time into it, dont just throw things together to get it done, take your time. Note from me: It looks fun for gameplay, but it deserves the same comment you gave my map
wow, your just saying that becuase you made a sloppy map and i sad that about it, its CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM! its not an attack on your personal being.
that is a nice map! I know it when I see it and waffles, do you say that to all of his maps? because I'm starting to notice on the last two maps of his I looked at. don't hold a grudge. somebody said I needed to work on my map, but I gave good comments on his. try to be mature please
The floating base idea is overused, but I like how each of your bases promotes functionality. In your map, they're more like weapons platforms. Although the mid map bridge really didn't look that great, I like that you used the inside of the bases as a playable area. Was that the turret glitch or tele-tapping?
the floating base idea is used a lot, but this was like the 2nd or 3rd avalanche map released. a lot of people have commented on the floating bridges and i completely agree, im not sure why it looks really bad, i can see exactly what you mean, but it is pretty smooth except a couple of parts, and it workds pretty good. and it was the turret glitch.
exactly what i was planning on saying, i really liked the overall layout of the map, there seemed to be alot of different ideas implemented, such as the back of the bases (glitched spot), and although I didn't like the crooked bridge, I liked the idea behind it, it seemed pretty intuitive... keep up the good forging
hmm, looks pretty cool and i very good map for avalanche but i dont get the name? i like the off map part a lot too. 4/5