So you getting this game? Currently the creature creater(full) is up for sale and the trial is for download HERE The full games coming out september and look awesome so far. The closest we may ever come to being GOD...except maybe in sim 3 who knows What have you made in creater creater so far? Ive only saved one of my random monstrosities and im currently uploading a vid of it thanks to the handy capture feature.Was going to enter in that dance contest thing but alas its americans only ...i dunno if you guys can go around claiming to be irish surely it goes the other way right?lol Feel free to post pics/vids of your favorites creations and what you think of the game from what youv seen I know for a fact some people have done really cool things with it. One person has made Ganon form zelda,another has made a murloc from wow.Have you done anything cool? Heres my creature.You cant see it too well but he has a big smily face on his chest
**** yeah, another Spore fan! I haven't made anything really yet though.... The game is going to rock!
This game will be great, especially since my computer can run it at its highest settings without any signs of frame rate drop. It's been a few years since I've been able to say that, so I'm happy.
Ah...i did not see that...anyway to delete a thread or will i just get this locked? I'll post my creations in there,making creatures is fun