A map that is perfect for any MLG gametype. Try it out. Here it is Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
you explain your map allot more. maybe give what weapons are on it. you should also post 5-9 bigger screen shots. it looks like to took less than 5 minutes to post your map. when i post a map it takes 15-20 minutes because i put effort into making the post up to forge hub standards. overall i give this post a 2/5.
its stupid how easy making pics bigger is, upload them on photobucket in a different size. but first you have to go to bungie.net, and save them to your desktop.
Ugh very n00by posting and this kinda map has been done thousands of times, MAKE IT UNIQUE, version 2 maybe? i give you a 1/5
it looks like fun, i like how its divided in half the map in middle, looks fun for slayer, i would make pics bigger tho, cool job.