Barricade -Waterway Dam BARRICADE WATERWAY DAM ::Gamers Tag:: PonyDx :ownload Here:: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing "Original Map Updated" :ownload Here:: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing "Infected Game Settings" :ESCRIPTION:: ::::GAMETYPES:::: CTF INFECTION SLAYER RACE MLG CASUAL COMPETITIVE MOVIE CANVUS MACHINIMA ::WEAPONS:: HUMAN ::BLUEPRINT:: [ENJOY]
wait, didnt you already post this? or is this a V2? anywho, i find this funny because i live in las vegas... lol EDIT: srz... anywho, beautiful map and highlky recomendded.
Those pictures look amazing. The use of shield doors also look clean and aestheticly pleasing too. I am totally downloading this, and great job!! 5/5
Yea... I moved it to the Casual Maps Forum, got a problem with that? I deleted the other Thread.. So lets drop the subject and give me responses not "Blah Blah Blah" Thanks to those who stuck on topic, Thanks for making the first post a worthless statement.
This looks amazing! The water is really well done, and the inside parts caught me off guard. I have to say, I'm impressed, and I wouldn't be adverse to calling this a good map to feature.
Thanks, I hope some of my maps will get featured... I dont know how that works but if it happens it happens.
wow u have made another amazing map i love the water res....and this looks sik i hope u can come out with a gametype for both that wokrs good
wow, this is an awesome map, best I've seen in a while. The interlocking is very good and your map makes a very good battle field. The only problem is the outside is pretty blank, maybe touch that up. Other than that great 4/5
this map looks too good to be in casual, y isn't it in competitive. very nice inter locking but y rnt those double boxes facing the other way
The outside is BLANK??? what the heck are you talking about? Its filled with Features and weapons and detailed enviroment. Seriously.... thanks for the feedback, its all good.
When I had the boxes facing the other way on RESERVOIR... someone told me to turn them, now that I turned them YOU are telling me to turn them again... just be quiet about the boxes and enjoy the fact that you get a nicely detailed map to play your games on for FREE... you didnt have to do anything but download it for free after my hard work. I enjoy the feedback, but now yall are just starting to confuse me. Great responses.
Thanks for understanding, These people need to start telling me about how great the map is AFTER they have downloaded it and played it... and Stop telling me what I should do after just looking at a stupid picture...