Foreword: This is my map Haunted House. If you have seen 'Haunted Manor', this will probably be a similar concept. While the concept may be similar, the map itself is not. Voodoo's map has an outdoor area, whilst mine is entirely indoors. Here is my map: Haunted House Here is the gametype: Ghosts Description: In this map, there are three levels (sorta), and a bunch of teleporters. The zombies spawn in a seperate room with a vent that can be accessed with a difficult jump. Humans have a chance of spawning in a room above the zombie room where they will be able to camp zombies for hours.The zombies spawn with poor active-camo, no shields and swords (they can also jump twice as high). Humans have shotguns with unlimited ammo. There are crap-loads of camping spots on this map that I want to fix when my Xbox gets back from the MS facility in Australia. Pics: This is a view of the zombie spawn room. If you could see slightly higher, you would see the vent. [img width=800 height=450][/img] This is a view of one of the corridors. Past that shield door is a teleporter. [img width=800 height=450][/img]
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
Sorry bout the lack of Screenshots, but my xbox is dead. When I go over to my friends house next, I will try and convince him to let me have some time to take a few screens of it.
If anyone has spare time which I don't to help this guy out, download his map and post some screenshots for him. FH and Killex would probably appreciate this. Thanks.
Someone asked for pictures, so here they are! Also, apologies for being able to see the spawns points in the second picture. <Snip> pictures removed<> I would of taken more pictures, but despite the large size of the structure the indoor was mostly corridors with tight 90 degree angles so it didn't really make that much of a interesting picture. In terms of how it compares to Voodoo's map? The only thing that it shares is the concept (big mansion). Otherwise, in terms of design, structure, spawns and so on, it's completely and utterly different.
Hey, thanks for posting those pics, El Leone. Now people can see my map! You can remove the pics from your post if you want. Also, thanks for describing the diffrence between mine and Voodoo's map, I didn't know if it was the same myself.